- Apollonia (3)
- Berenike (3)
- Cyrene (117)
- Gebel Akhdar: East of Cyrene (2)
- Gebel Akhdar: West of Cyrene (12)
- Ptolemais (20)
- South of Berenike (2)
- Taucheira (5)
- A.11. Dedications to Asklepios
- A.12. Anonymous dedication
- A.15. Fragmentary dedication
- B.7. Informal dedication
- B.71. Dedication to Asklepios and Hygeia
- B.8. Informal dedication
- C.102. Dedication to Hadrian
- C.106. Dedication to Diana Augusta
- C.107. Dedication to Apollo Augustus
- C.108. Fragmentary dedication
- C.109. Fragmentary dedication
- C.111. Dedication to an emperor
- C.114. Dedication to Zeus and Rome
- C.119. Dedication of the North Stoa
- C.120. Dedication to Augustus and to one of his children
- C.125. Dedication of an image of Augustus
- C.126. Dedication to Libya
- C.148. Dedication by the ephoroi
- C.149. Dedication, probably by the ephoroi
- C.152. Ephebic dedication
- C.174. Fragmentary dedication
- C.175. Imperial dedication for Diocletian and Maximian
- C.206. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.209. Fragmentary dedication
- C.210. Dedication by Anaxo
- C.217. Dedication of two Dioscuri and their shrine
- C.218. Dedication to ?Aphrodite
- C.220. Dedication of an image of Artemis
- C.221. Dedication to Artemis, with list of priestesses.
- C.224. Dedication for a statue of one of the Dioscuri
- C.228. Dedication to ?Iatros and Iaso on behalf of Nero
- C.229. Dedication to Apollo and Artemis on behalf of Nero
- C.232. Dedication of an image of Athena to Apollo
- C.234. Dedication by a priest
- C.242. Dedication of a water basin
- C.243. Dedication of a water basin
- C.244. Fragmentary dedication
- C.247. Fragmentary dedication
- C.248. Dedication by Karnedas
- C.253. Building dedication for a column
- C.254. Building dedication for a column
- C.255. Building dedication for a column
- C.256. Building dedication for a column
- C.257. Building dedication for a column
- C.258. Building dedication for a column
- C.259. Building dedication from the Temple of Apollo
- C.270. Dedication of a statue
- C.285. Dedication to Artemis
- C.286. Dedication of a festival meal to Trajan
- C.287. Dedication to Apollo on behalf of Nero
- C.288. Dedication to Apollo on behalf of Nero
- C.289. Column dedication
- C.290. Dedication of a statue of Apollo
- C.291. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.300. Dedication to Luna
- C.301. Dedication to Mars
- C.302. Fragmentary dedication
- C.303. Dedication
- C.308. Dedication of a statue of Dionysos
- C.310. Fragmentary dedication
- C.317. Dedication to Apollo Nymphagetes and the Nymphs
- C.319. Dedication on behalf of Augustus
- C.323. Dedication of an altar to Aphrodite
- C.324. Dedication of an altar to Ares
- C.325. Dedication of an altar
- C.326. Dedication of an altar
- C.327. Dedication of an altar
- C.328. Dedication of an altar
- C.329. Dedication for Apollo
- C.330. Dedication of an image of Ammon
- C.398. Dedication of a statue
- C.40. Dedication of a statue
- C.401. Fragmentary imperial dedication
- C.42. Fragmentary dedication of a statue - of the Graces?
- C.421. Dedication of cult statue of Zeus
- C.422. Dedication to Zeus Olympios
- C.426. Dedication (?)
- C.427. Dedication
- C.432. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles
- C.439. Dedication to the nymphs
- C.445. Dedication for Aretaphila
- C.451. Fragmentary dedication
- C.452. Fragmentary dedication
- C.455. Dedication to Ceres
- C.456. Dedication of a statue by Claudia Venusta
- C.461. Fragmentary dedication
- C.464. Fragmentary dedication
- C.469. Dedication of a statue of Kore
- C.472. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.484. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.494. Dedication to Demeter and Kore
- C.495. Dedication of a statue of Demeter and a shrine
- C.496. Dedication of a statue of Kore and a shrine
- C.497. Dedication of a statue of Parthenos and a shrine
- C.498. Dedication of a statue of Dionysos and a shrine
- C.500. Dedication to Demeter and Kore
- C.51. Dedication of ephebic monument to Hermes and Herakles
- C.549. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.596. Fragmentary dedication
- C.64. Dedication offering a mosaic floor to Hermes
- C.647. 1. Dedication of ephebic monument to Hermes and Herakles; 2-4: Ephebic texts
- C.652. Dedication (?)
- C.661. Fragmentary dedication for a ?statue
- C.662. Dedication to Priapos
- C.663. Dedication to the Samothracian Father
- C.664. Imperial ?building dedication
- C.665. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.666. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.75. Dedication to Gordian
- C.756. Dedication to Iatros and Iaso
- C.76. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles
- C.760. Dedication to Sarapis and Isis
- C.765. Fragmentary dedication for ?Trajan
- C.767. Dedication to imperial divinities
- C.769. Dedication to Apollo
- C.770. Dedication
- C.771. Dedication
- C.87. Dedication for an emperor
- C.93. Dedication of a statue of Apollo by nomophylakes
- C.94. Dedication of a statue of Good Fortune by nomophylakes
- C.95. Dedication of a statue of Aphrodite by nomophylakes
- C.96. Dedication of a statue of Concord by nomophylakes
- C.97. Dedication of a statue of Aphrodite by nomophylakes
- M.109. Fragmentary ?dedication
- M.118. Christian dedication
- M.180. Fragmentary ?building dedication
- M.181. Fragmentary ?dedication
- M.185. Dedication ?for Antoninus Pius
- M.189. Dedication to Iatros and Iaso
- M.190. Dedication to Iatros and Iaso
- M.191. Dedication to Iatros and Iaso
- M.192. Dedication to Asklepios
- M.193. Dedication to Asklepios
- M.206. Altar dedication
- M.207. Dedication
- M.231. ?Christian dedication
- M.244. Dedication to Constantine and sons, perhaps a milestone
- M.46. Informal dedication
- M.48. Military dedication
- P.118. Dedication to Maximin, Constantine and Licinius
- P.119. Imperial dedication
- P.126. i: Building dedication; ii: Ephebic names
- P.148. Imperial dedication
- P.168. Imperial dedication
- P.176. i: Dedication of a statue; ii: sculptor's signature
- P.199. Imperial ?milestone or dedication
- P.309. Dedication
- P.311. Christian dedication
- P.334. Dedication to gods
- P.336. Dedication
- P.337. Dedication of an altar
- P.345. Dedication of a ?statue
- P.348. Ephebic dedication and fragmentary list
- P.412. Imperial dedication
- P.79. Ephebic dedication and list
- P.80. Fragmentary building dedication
- P.92. Dedication of a statue
- P.98. Dedication of a statue
- P.99. Dedication of statues
- T.13. Anonymous dedication
- T.25. Dedication to Demeter
- T.4. Dedication to Ammon
- T.5. Dedication to Bacchus
- T.727. Dedication to Zeus