Description: Circular altar of limestone,
moulded above and below
0.90 x diam.:
Text: Inscribed on the drum. Between guide-lines.
Letters: Perhaps second century 0.035; lunate epsilon, lunate sigma, cursive omega.
Date: Perhaps second century CE
Baths of Trajan: in 1928 near the west furnace.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Editors
To the saviour gods [---]
Αll details are taken from Oliverio. The reading has been checked as far as possible from the photo. This shows that guide-lines were cut to provide for 7 lines of text, but suggests that the last three lines were left blank, or, less probably, inscribed with an extremly inset text.
Line 2: The reference might be to gods or to deified rulers, but is most probably to the Dioscuroi, the Saviour gods par excellence, whose temple is near the findspot.
Line 4: perhaps from Κλαύδιος.
Bibliography: Oliverio, 1930, 5, p.165-166, fig. 28, whence SEG 9.114, PHI 323968.
Text constituted from: Transcription from the photograph (Reynolds).