IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.302. Fragmentary dedication

Description: Block of limestone (w: 0.89 x h: 0.37 x d: 0.39). Oliverio says there are "incavi per i sostegni" on the upper part.
Text: Inscribed at the uppper edge of the face, which is damaged at the right end.
Letters: First-second centuries: 0.045.

Date: First to second centuries CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Temple of Isis; photographed in 1924.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Temple of Isis: standing beside the altar (2008).


[--- ἐκ] τ̣ῶν ἰδίων ἀνέθ[ηκεν]



English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

. . . ] dedicated [from his] own resources


No comment (2020).

Bibliography: SECir, 1961-1962, 73 and fig. 66, Vidman, 1969, 806.
Text constituted from: From previous publications (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. C.300, C.301 and C.302 (Department of Antiquities, F.284)

   Fig. 2. Face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 3. Face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. View (2008, H.Walda)