Description: Fragments of white marble, probably from the Greek islands, cut down for reuse. a: Left quarter of the abacus and capital
of a colonnette
0.085 x h:
0.09 x d:
b: Left quarter of the base and lower moulding of the same colonnette;
the carving of the mouldings is rough.
Text: a. Inscribed on the abacus; b. on the base. The surfaces are rough-tooled.
Letters: Second-third century; 0.035; square sigma.
Date: Second to third centuries CE
Apollonia: photographed in 1929; unrecorded but
probably the East Church,
the only site being excavated at the time of discovery.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds
(a) (scil. To?) As[klepios]
(b) (scil. To?) Ask[lepios]
The type of monument suggests that the god Asklepios rather than a man's name, e.g. Asklapos, stood in both places.
Bibliography: Reynolds, 1976, 16 and pl. LXII, whence SEG 27.1144.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).