Description: Lower left corner of a marble block
0.39 x h:
0.48 x d:
Text: Inscribed within a moulded panel.
Letters: First century CE; lines 1-5, 0.03; lines 6-7, 0.012.
Date: CE 57-58
First recorded in 1927 during the excavation of the Byzantine conduit, in the
Roman Propylaeum:
to the north-west.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
1: καὶ [σωτὴρι] Oliverio, 1929
7: νέθη[κ]αν τῆ [Ὑγιεί]ᾳ κ[αὶ Ἰασοῖ] Oliverio, 1929
Italian translation
Translation source: Vitali, 1932
Ad Apollo Ctiste e... Per la vittoria e la salute del imperatore Cesare Augusto Nerone Claudio Druso Germanico e di tutta la sua casa... consacrarono la fontana...
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
To Apollo the Founder and [Artemis] on behalf of the victory and salvation of Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus, Caesar, Augustus, Emperor, and his whole household; the [?priestesses of Artemis] dedicated the fountain [ . . .
All details are taken from Oliverio.
The text closely parallels C.228, probably of CE 57/58; the use of κοινή forms, however, throughout this inscription is in marked contrast to the Doric of C.228.
Line 1: A second divinity, as in C.228, is more probable than a second cult title for Apollo (σωτῆρι) as proposed by Oliverio.
Line 6: Perhaps a reference to the Fountain of Apollo, or to one of the several fountains on the Temple Terrace.
Line 7: Oliverio's tentative suggestion would suggest a further dedication to different divinities, which hardly seems consistent with line 1; the space was more probably occupied by a date, beginning with the day of the month.
Bibliography: Oliverio, 1929, 12, p.139 and Fig. 31, whence AE 1929.10, Boehringer, 1929 404, Vitali, 1932, 96 SEG 9.99; discussed Laronde, 1977, whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1978.559; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 217.
Text constituted from: Read from the photograph.(Reynolds).