IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.111. Dedication to an emperor

Description: Block of limestone (Gasperini says "Architrave block") with traces of moulding above, from a Doric entablature (w: 0.95 x h: 0.50 x d: 0.20).
Text: Inscribed on one face which is badly corroded. ` .
Letters: First century; line 1, 0.15-0.295; line 2, 0.315-0.425.

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Augusteum, standing on the North wall; photographed in 1925.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Augusteum, lying fallen in the room behind the north wall.


[--- pontifi]ci imp(eratori) ⟦II[---]
[curante ---]o praef(ecto) co[hortis ---]



1: Gasperini does not see CI

English translation

Translation by: Editors

. . . high pri]est, acclaimed imperator twice, [ . . responsibility of x], prefect of the cohort [ . . .


Line 1: The apparent erasure may be fortuitous. It is not clear whether it has destroyed a figure or two letters incorporating uprights. The subject is probably a son of the imperial house - perhaps Tiberius before the death of Augustus (he was pontifex by 16 BCE, imperator in 9 BCE, imperator II in 7 BCE) or Germanicus (pontifex by 18 CE and imperator II in the same year.

Gasperini rejects pontifi]ci and prefers a title, e.g. munifi]ci refering to subsequent imp which would be a genitive and preceded by e.g. sumptibus or the like.

Line 2: Possibly M. Sufenas Proculus , who set up C.118, C.225 and C.226, in honour of Tiberius and is described in C.118, line 4 as praefectus cohortis Lusitanorum: but he is unlikely to have been the only cohort commander in Cyrene during the relevant period.

Bibliography: Gasperini, 1965, 329.2 and pl. LXIV. 5., whence AE 1968.541, whence EDH 015575; Gasperini, 1967a, 39 and fig. 221
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face (Joyce Reynolds XII.65)

   Fig. 2. Face (Joyce Reynolds XII.54)