Description: A marble stele inscribed on three faces with C.219, C.220
and C.221
0.43 x h:
1.13 x d:
0.23). There is a hole on the top for the attachment of another
block during the period of the original use.
Text: Inscribed on the left hand face. There is no trace of the omitted letters; but this is apparently a trial version of
Letters: Second-third century; line 1, 0.03; lines 2-4, 0.025; lines 5,6, 0.02; cursive omega.
Date: Second to third centuries CE
Byzantine Baths: found in 1922, re-used as a paving stone.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
The statue of Artemis, from the dedications which have been made [to her, Nu]mi[sius . . .
Line 1: This is clearly a first attempt at the adjacent text C.221; possibly the cutter began the text on this face, realized that it provided insufficient space for his text and so proceeded to the reverse face.
Line 6: For the proconsul, Numisius Marcellianus, PIR2, N 0211, see C.143, C.220, C.221, C.305, and C.299, dated under a M. Aurelius Antoninus
Bibliography: Described, Ferri, 1923, 7; Oliverio, DAI, 1932-1933, 50, p.174, pl. XXXII, fig 49]62, whence SEG 9.177., PHI 324028
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).