Description: A composite panel of white, probably Greek island, marble
which must once have run across a large part of the façade of a monumental
arch built of local sandstone;
P.119 is on the attic.
Text: Fragments from at least four sections of the panel (each section originally
inscribed within strongly marked guidelines, fragments a., b., and c. on both faces. The text on face A, taken here to be
the first, draft,version,
is distinguished from the second by
greater roughness and irregularity, vivid rubrication and the unweathered condition of the surface, suggesting that it was
discarded and replaced by version B, on the exposed face.
Text A was preceded by a palm brach, and may have been followed by one. Text B was preceded by and followed by acclamations,
texts 2.i and
2.ii, each enclosed in a wreath.
Letters: Fourth century: 0.09, very rough;
Date: CE 311-313
fallen from the Arch of Constantine; found in 1935.
Original location:
Arch of Constantine
Last recorded location:
Tolmeita Museum.
(Inv. no. 29, 35)
1 A
[( vac. 30) Domini]s ṇọstr[is liberatoribus orbis Romani conseruatoribus( vac. ) ]
Gal[erio Valerio Maximino Pio Felici in]u(icto) Au[g](usto) [et Flauio Valerio Constantino ] Pio Fe[lici inuicto Aug(usto)
Val[erio Liciniano Licinio Pio Felici inuicto Aug(usto) ciuitates prouinciae Libuae] Supe[r]i[oris uel Pentapoleos?]
[( vac. 3) deuotae n(umini) m(aiestati)q(ue) eorum ( vac. 3)] B
[( vac. 30) Dominis nostris liberatoribus orbis Roman]i con[ser]u[atoribus pacis ( vac. ) ]
[⟦Galerio Valerio⟧ ⟦Maximi⟧]⟦no⟧ [Pio Felici inu(icto) Aug(usto) et] «US» Flaụio Val[erio] Co[nstantino P]io Felic[i inuicto
Aug(usto) et]
[⟦Valerio Liciniano⟧ ⟦Licin⟧]⟦io⟧ [Pio Felici i]n[uicto Aug(usto) ci]uitates pro[uin]c[iae Libuae Su]periọṛị[s] ue[l Pentapoleos?]
[ ( vac. 3)? de]u[otae n(umini)] m(aiestati)q(ue) eorum ( vac. 3) 2 i ii
[......................] B
[.....]U[.....]MQEORUM 2iii
1.B.1: The spacing of the letters is much wider than in lines 2-4
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(Text 1, A with B): For our masters [liberators and] preservers [of the Roman world], Gal[erius Valerius Maximi]nus, [pious fortunate] invincible
Augustus, [and] Flavius Valerius Constantinus, pious fortunate [invincible Augustus, and] Val[erius Licinianus Licin]ius,
[pious fortunate invincible Augustus]: the cities of the province of Libya Superior [also known as Pentapolis] (scil. dedicated
this), [being devoted to their divinity] and majesty.
(2: i to the left): For prayers: 20 years. (ii to the right): For many (scil. years): 30 years.
Bibliography: Goodchild, 1961, 2 with drawings (1 A and B only), fig. 5, whence AE 1963.141.1, 2, whence EDH 017182; reprinted, Goodchild-Reynolds, 1976 219-225, fig. 70, p. 221; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 71, 103
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
Fig. 1. Text A, lines 2-3, fragments (Reynolds NS.XIII.20)
Fig. 2. Text B, lines 2-3, fragments (Reynolds NS.XIII.21)
Fig. 3. Text A, lines 1-2, 2-3, fragments (Reynolds NS.XIII.22)
Fig. 4. Text B, lines 1-4