Current filters
- C.1. Decree of honours by the Athenians for Philoxenos son of Philiskos from Cyrene
- C.101. Edicts of Augustus
- C.103. List of priestesses of Hera
- C.130. List of priestesses of Hera
- C.131. Ephebic list
- C.141. Fragmentary list of priests of Apollo
- C.143. Ephebic list
- C.145. Ephebic list
- C.147. Boundary marker
- C.152. Ephebic dedication
- C.159. Funerary inscriptions
- C.163. Dossier of imperial rescripts of Hadrian and Antoninus
- C.219. Fragmentary list of priests of Apollo
- C.220. Dedication of an image of Artemis
- C.221. Dedication to Artemis, with list of priestesses.
- C.223. List of priests of Apollo
- C.23. List of names and ?reserved places
- C.276. Decrees in honour of Barkaios
- C.294. Building inscription from ?a temple
- C.33. Fragmentary list of priests
- C.39. Fragmentary decree of honours by the Jewish politeuma
- C.403. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.404. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.405. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.406. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.407. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.412. Fragmentary name
- C.415. Fragmentary list of names
- C.423. List of priestesses ?of Hera
- C.428. Boundary marker
- C.429. Boundary marker
- C.430. Boundary marker
- C.465. Caption for a statue of Eutychiana
- C.48. List of priests of Apollo
- C.480. Fragment
- C.488. Fragment
- C.515. Funerary genealogy, Tomb S.4
- C.517. Funerary inscription, Tomb S.14
- C.536. Funerary inscription
- C.548. Funerary inscription
- C.566. Funerary inscription, Tomb N.66
- C.597. Funerary inscriptions
- C.599. Caption for the statue of an athlete
- C.607. Funerary inscriptions
- C.610. Funerary inscription
- C.613. Funerary inscriptions
- C.615. Funerary inscription for Epaphrodite
- C.616. Funerary inscription for Ktesikles
- C.618. Funerary inscription
- C.619. Funerary inscription
- C.621. Funerary inscription
- C.646. Funerary inscriptions
- C.648. Funerary inscription
- C.649. Funerary inscription
- C.652. Dedication (?)
- C.654. Fragmentary list of names
- C.667. Fragmentary list
- C.691. Fragmentary document
- C.692. Fragmentary decree
- C.723. Fragment
- C.729. Funerary list
- C.730. Funerary inscription
- C.731. Funerary inscription
- C.732. Funerary inscription
- C.733. Funerary inscription
- C.736. Funerary fragment
- C.737. Fragmentary civic decree of honours for Alexis
- C.739. Funerary inscription
- C.740. Funerary inscription
- C.742. Funerary inscription
- C.746. ?Funerary fragment
- C.748. Boundary marker
- C.751. Funerary inscription
- C.753. Funerary inscription
- C.754. Funerary inscription
- C.755. Funerary inscriptions
- C.758. Funerary inscription