IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.1. Decree of honours by the Athenians for Philoxenos son of Philiskos from Cyrene

Description: Lower part of a marble stele with a plain moulding below, broken off above, at left and under the moulding (w: 0.545 x h: 0.405).
Text: Inscribed on the face, of which the right edge is preserved at the top of the surviving part
Letters: Unknown; slight apices, theta with short central bar, large omicron, pi with upper slightly projecting bar, non-slanting sigma, widely open upsilon, phi with small oval loop

Date: Between 31 BC and 16 AD (reign of Augustus)

Findspot: Cyrene: inside the Caesareum; found in 1969.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum, storeroom of the Italian missions; observed by Paci in 1993.


[c. 14 ἀγαθῇ τύχῃ· δεδόχθαι τῇ βουλῇ τοὺ̀ς λαχόντας προέδρ-
ους εἰς τὴν ἐπιοῦσαν ἐκκλησίαν χρηματίσαι περὶ̀ τούτων] γνώμην δὲ ξυν̣-
[βάλλεσθαι τῆς βουλῆς τῶν ἑξακοσίων εἰς τὸν] δ̣ῆ̣μ̣ον, ὅτι δοκῖ τῇ βουλῇ ἐπαι-
[νέσαι Φιλόξενον Φιλίσκου φύσει δὲ Εὐφά]νου Κυρηναῖον ἐφ’ᾗ ἔχι πρὸς τὴν
5[πόλιν τῶν Ἀθηναίων ἐν παντὶ καιρῷ αἱρέσει?] στεφανῶσαι δ’αὐτὸν χρυσῷ στ̣-
[εφάνῳ μετὰ ταινιδίου φοινικιοῦ? κατὰ τ]ὸν νόμον ἀναθεῖναι δὲ αὐτο̣[ῦ]
[c. 11 δύο εἰκόνας γραπτὰς ἐν τῇ] ἀγορᾷ καὶ ἐν Πτολεμαίῳ ἐν ὅπ[λοις?]
[ἐπιχρύσοις· τιμῆσαι δ’αὐτὸν εἰκόνι? γραπτ]ῇ ἐν ὅπλῳ ἐπιχρύσῳ ἐν τῷ ἐπιφα[νεσ-
τάτῳ τῆς πατρίδος τόπῳ· στῆσαι δὲ καὶ ἄγα]λ̣μα ἔχον ἐπιγραφὰς τάσδε· ὁ δ[ῆμο-
10ς ὁ Ἀθηναίων --- Φιλόξε]νον Φιλίσκου φύσει δὲ Εὐφάνου Κ[υρην-
αῖον c. 18 γενόμε?]νον ἀρετῆς ἕνεκεν καὶ εὐνοίας [ἣν ἔχ-
ων ἀεὶ διατελεῖ πρὸς αὐτὸν ἀνέθη]κεν ( vac. 26)
( vac. 2 lines)


[.................................]ΝΟΥ ΚΥΡΗΝΑΙΟΝΕΦΗΕΧΙΠΡΟΣΤΗΝ
[....................................]ΗΕΝΟΠΛΩΕΠΙΧΡΥΣΩΕΝΤΩΕΠΙΦΑ[.....................................].ΜΑΕΧΟΝΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΑΣΤΑΣΔΕΟΔ[.............---......]ΝΟΝ ΦΙΛΙΣΚΟΥΦΥΣΕΙΔΕΕΥΦΑΝΟΥΚ[........··················......]ΝΟΝΑΡΕΤΗΣΕΝΕΚΕΝΚΑΙΕΥΝΟΙΑΣ[...............................]ΚΕΝ                                                    


1: The restored elements proposed after revision have added one line on top and moved the restored parts from the end of one line to the beginning of the following. That sort of change will not be registered in this apparatus. Antolini-Paci, 2003
1-2: The whole restored section is new. Antolini-Paci, 2003
5: [πόλιν τῶν Ἀθηναίων ἐν παντὶ καίρῳ αἱρέσει?] Antolini-Paci, 2003; [ . . . ] Paci, 1986
5-6: στ/[εφάνῳ μετὰ ταινιδίου φοινικιοῦ? κατὰ τ]ὸν Antolini-Paci, 2003; στ[ . . . ]ον Paci, 1986
6-7: αὐτο[ῦ . . . . -ἐν τῇ] ἀγορᾷ Antolini-Paci, 2003; αὐτο[ . . . ] ἀγορᾷ Paci, 1986
7: ἔνοπ[λον] Antolini-Paci, 2003; ἐνοπ[ . . . Paci, 1986
8: [σὺν εἰκόνι γραπτ]ῇ : [εἰκόνα· τιμῆσαι δ'αὐτὸν εἰκόνι γραπτ?]ῇ Antolini-Paci, 2003; . . . ]η Paci, 1986
8-9: ἐπιφα[νεσ/τάτῳ τῆς πόλεως τόπῳ] Antolini-Paci, 2003; ἐπιφα[ . . . Paci, 1986
9-10: ὁ δ[ῆμο/ς ὁ Ἀθηναίων Antolini-Paci, 2003; ὁ δ[- . . . Paci, 1986
10-11: Κ[υρην/αῖον . c.18 . γενόμε?]νον Antolini-Paci, 2003; K[ . . . ]νον Paci, 1986
11-12: [ἣν ἔχ/ων ἀεὶ διατελεῖ πρὸς αὐτὸν ἀνέθη]κεν Antolini-Paci, 2003; . . . ]κεν Paci, 1986

English translation

Translation by: Catherine Dobias-Lalou

[--- To Good Fortune. It seemed good to the Council:

- that the proedroi assigned by lot for the next assembly should deliberate about that matter and that] the opinion of [the council of the Six Hundred should be communicated to] the people, which is :

- [to compliment Philoxenos son of Philiskos and by birth son of] Euphanes, a Cyrenaean, [for his behaviour on every occasion towards the city of Athens];

- to award him a golden crown [with a purple strip in accordance with] the law;

- to dedicate [two portaits of him] painted on gilded shields in the agora and in the Ptolemaion;

- [to honour him also with a portrait] painted on a gilded shield at the most prominent [place of the his fatherland] ;

- to [erect also for him] a statue with the following words inscribed: 'The [people of the Athenians [ . . . ] dedicated (scil. the statue of)] Philoxenos son of Philiskos, a Cyrenaean, [who was . . . ] because of the valour and goodwill [that he continuously expresses towards them]'.

French translation

Translation by: Catherine Dobias-Lalou

[ . . . A la bonne fortune. Plaise au conseil:

- que les proèdres tirés au sort pour la prochaine assemblée se saisissent de cette affaire et que rapport soit fait] au peuple de l'avis [du conseil des 600], à savoir qu'il plaît au conseil:

- de décerner l'éloge [à Philoxénos fils de Philiskos et par la naissance fils d'Eupha]nès, Cyrénéen, pour la conduite qu'il tient [en toute occasion à l'égard de la cité d'Athènes];

- de le couronner d'une couronne d'or [avec un bandeau de pourpre conformément] à la loi;

- de consacrer de lui [deux portraits peints] sur des boucliers dorés à l’agora et au Ptolémaion;

- [de l'honorer d'un portrait peint] sur un bouclier doré dans l'endroit le plus en vue [de sa patrie];

- [d’ériger aussi de lui] une statue portant inscrits les mots suivants: 'Le [peuple des Athéniens a consacré (scil. la statue de)] Philoxénos fils de Philiskos et par la naissance fils d’Euphanès, Cyrénéen , [ . . . ], en raison de sa valeur et du dévouement [qu’il manifeste sans cesse à son égard]'.


The stone preserves under the moulding a projecting part that was probably intended as a tenon for fixing the stone into a hole, a device similar to that used for fixing Ptolemaios's will (IGCyr 112) along the sustaining wall of the Fountain Terrace in the Sanctuary of Apollo.

Lines 2-3: this probouleutic formula, along with some linguistic features, points to Athens as the city which issued this decree. This would be the latest instance of the formula attested up to now. The precision 'council of the 600', often omitted, is here necessary because of the space available.

At lines 4 and 10, the honorand may be identified with Φιλόξενος Φιλίσκω φύσι δέ Εὐφάνευς, on record in a list of priests of Apollo from Cyrene of the Augustan period (C.48), whereas other members of this prominent family are on record in the first century CE as eponymous magistrates in Cyrene.

Line 7. The mention of Πτολεμαῖον has been debated. From the beginning, it was thought by Gasperini, Luni and Paci (in 1986) that this was the the name (otherwise unknown) of the place where the stone was found, i.e. the Hellenistic gymnasium that preceded the Roman Caesareum. However the multiple honors decreed seem to be followed by the dedication of several portraits or statues, both at Cyrene and at Athens. For the latter, a gymnasium named Πτολεμαῖον is attested. See further C. Dobias-Lalou, art.cit.

Bibliography: Mentioned Gasperini, 1971, 3 and note 6, whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1972.622b, and Luni, 1976, p. 245 n° 13; Published Paci, 1986 367-375, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1988.1018, SEG 38.1889; more fully Paci in Antolini-Paci, 2003, 2441-2454 (photo), SEG 58.1837. Discussed Luni, 2002, p. 137 and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2004.440, whence SEG 52.1835, Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2005.620, whence SEG 55.1864; again, Dobias-Lalou, 2016a, 47-53
Text constituted from: Transcription (Paci, edited Dobias-Lalou).


None available (2020).