Description: A tapered marble stele moulded above
0.20 - 0.18 x h:
0.59 x d:
the opposite face bears an earlier inscription, IGCyr117700.
Text: Inscribed on the reverse face,
which is damaged at the right side; the surface is chipped in a number of places; each entry in a different hand.
Letters: First century CE: lines 1, 6f., 0.01; line 2, 0.035; line 3-5, 0.02; lunate sigma, cursive omega.
Date: 17/18 CE
East Church, re-used; found in 1955.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
Year 48, Theudoros (scil. son) of Hagistratos, aged 13
Aristodamos (scil. son) of Hagistratos, aged 50
Phikous (scil. daughter) of Euphranor
l.2, 48 of the Actian era= 17/18 CE
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).