Description: Part of the left side of a marble stele:
the survivng fragment w:
0.195 x h:
90.19 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face which is now blackened ?with burning; the photograph taken at the time of discovery shows
ythe face far cleaner, and fopur lines, below, which were lost when the seond photograph was taken.
Letters: First century CE: 0.025. The hand is consistent, but the spacing varies.
Date: First century CE
Cyrene: Findspot unrecorded; found in 1932.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
. . . ] Anchistratos [ . . . ] Damatrios [ . . . ] Dama[trios? . . . ] Philotas [ . . . ] Aristarchos [ . . . ] Akesandros [ . . . ] Lysis [ . . . ] Klearchos [ . . . . . .
If line 8 is correctly read the names appear to be listed in the nominative; patronymics may have been lost to the right, but the space after the name in line 7 makes this unlikely.
Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (Reynolds) and from photograph (Roueché).