IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.103. List of priestesses of Hera

Description: Tall marble stele, formed of two blocks standing one above the other; tapering towards the top (w: 0.70-0.60 x h: 1.98 x d: 0.35).
Text: Inscribed on two faces; each entry in a different hand. A relief of a scroll runs round three sides at top. On side a, lines 16-17, 22 in rasura. Side b, largely erased, c. 1/3 down some letters on a margin; this probably represents a first attempt to write the list, abandoned for reasons of space (so Paci).
Letters: First century CE; 0.02-0.04; F for 6.

Date: l.34: 61/62 CE; line 36: 102/103 CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Agora, in the area between the west stoa and the Temple of Zeus: found in 1919.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum.


θέος. Τύχα Ἀγαθά̣
Ἱάρεαι τᾶς Ἥρ̣α̣ς̣
Καλλιβώλα Κ̣λ̣[εάρ?]χω
Θευπρόπα Η̣[c. 6]
5Ἱππονείκα Ζευ[ξι]μ̣ά̣χ̣ω̣
Αἴσχρα Αὐτ[ο .. ? ..]τ̣ω̣
Τιμαρέτα̣ Ἐ̣φόρ̣ω
Νεικίππα Ἀριστάρχω̣
Ὀλυνπιὰς Κλεάρχω
10Ζευξὼ Θευχρήστω
Καλλιβώλα Δ̣α̣μοφάνευς
Ἐπαγὼ Ἰσοκράτους
Κυδιμάχα Κλεάρχω
Εὐρυκλήτα Αἰγλάνορος
15Ἀμμωνάριον Ἀλεξάνδρω
⟦Μεγὼ Ἀλεξά̣ν̣δ̣ρ̣ω
φύσει δὲ Καρνήδα⟧
Μυρὼ Μελανί̣ππω
Τελεσὼ Καλίππ̣ω̣
20Βερνίκα Ἱππα[.. ? ..]
Φρονίμα Ἀ̣λ̣ε̣[ξ]ι̣μ̣ά̣[χ]ω̣
Τειμαρέτα Καρνή̣δα
Ἅβρολα Κλεάρχω
Ἀράτα Διονυ̣σί̣ω̣
25Κλεοπάτρα Εὐίππω
Τιμαρέτα Ἀλέξι[ος?] φύσι δὲ
( vac. 2) Καρνήδ[α] ( vac. 2)
Καλλιβώλα ( vac. 3) Κλεάρχω
Πέλεια ( vac. 3) Φιλίσκω
30Μνασὼι ( vac. 3) [Λυσ?]ανία̣
Μνασὼι ( vac. 3) Ἰ[ά]σονος
Ἀριστοδίκα Ἰσοκράτ̣ευς
Μεγὼ Ἀριστάρχω
(ἔτους) ϙβ´ Φαβία Κυδιμάχα
35 ( vac. 3) Φαώι ( vac. 3)
(ἔτους) ρλγ´ τοῦ καὶ ϛ´ Καλλιβώλα Ἀλεξάνδ[ρω]
(ἔτους) ρλγ´


ΑΙΣΧΡΑΑΥΤ[... ? ..]..
20ΒΕΡΝΙΚΑΙΠΠΑ[.. ? ..]
30ΜΝΑΣΩΙ      [...]ΑΝΙ.
35      ΦΑΩΙ      


3: Καλλιβώλα -υς Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 Κ̣λ̣[εαρ]χω is highly uncertain;
4: Ṇ - Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
6: Αὔγα[ντος Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
11: Καλλιβώλα Paci, 2000; Καλλιβώλα cdl
16/17: Erasure not reported by Oliverio
20: Βερνίκα Δικ- Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 Βερνίκα Ἱππ[ίας] LGPN V1-64398
21: Φρονίμα Ἀλ- Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
22: Τειμαρέτα Μνα[σ]ά[ρχω ? Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 , whence LGPN VI-65025
24: Ἀράτα Διο[νυσίω Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 ; Κλεοπάτρα Ἐτεάρχω Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 , whence LGPN V1-63767
26/27: Τιμαρέτα Ἀλεξιμ[α]χίδευ[ς] / φυ[σει] δὲ Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
28: Καλλιβώλα [Ἐ]τεάρχω Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
29: Πελεία [Ε]ὐαρίστ[ω Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 , whence LGPN V1-63785
31: Μνασὼι - ι - Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
32: Ἀριστοδίκα Ἰσο[κράτ̣ε]υς Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
33: Μεγὼ Ἀριστο[δά]μω Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 , whence LGPN V1-63142
b: Not previously recorded; note a misprint in SEG, ϙ for ρ Paci, 2000

Italian translation

Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936

Dio. Buona Fortuna. Sacerdotesse di Giunone: Callibola di -, Teopropa di -, Ipponica di Zeuximaco, Aiscra di Augea, Timareta di Eforo, Nicippa di Aristarco, Olympias di Clearco, Zeuxó di Teucresto, Callibola di Demofane, Epagó di Isocrate, Cidimaca di Clearco, Euricleta di Eglanore, Ammonarion di Alessandro, Megó di Alessandro (per adozione) ma per natura di Carneade. Myrò di Melanippo, Telesò di Callippo, Bernice di Dic-, Fronima di Al-, Timareta di Mnesarco, Abrola di Clearco, Arata di Dionisio, Cleopatra di Etearco, Timareta di Alessimachide (peradozione) ma per natura di Carneade; Callibola di Etearco, Pelia di Euaristo, Mnesó di Lisania, Mnesó -, Aristodice di Isocrate, Megó di Aristodemo, Anno 92 (= 61 d.) Fabia Cidimaca, Faó, Anno 133 (= 102 d.) così detto il (l'anno) VI (dell'imperatore) Callibola di Alessandro.

English translation

Translation by: Editors

(a): Divine Good Fortune. Priestesses of Hera: Kallibola (scil. daughter) of Kl[ear]chos; Theupropa (scil. daughter) of E[ . . .; Hipponika (scil. daughter) of Zeuximachos; Aischra (scil. daughter) of Aut[ . . .; Timareta (scil. daughter) of Ephoros; Neikippa (scil. daughter) of Aristarchos; Olympias (scil. daughter) of Klearchos; Zeuxo (scil. daughter) of Theuchrestos; Kallibola (scil. daughter) of Damophanes; Epago (scil. daughter) of Isokrates; Kudimacha (scil. daughter) of Klearchos; Eurykleta (scil. daughter) of Aiglanor; Ammonarion (scil. daughter) of Alexandros; Mego (scil. daughter) of Alexandros, natural (scil. daughter) of Karnedas; Myro (scil. daughter) of Melanippos; Teleso (scil. daughter) of Kallippos; Bernika (scil. daughter) of Hippa[ . . .; Phronima (scil. daughter) of Aleximachos; Temareta (scil. daughter) of Karnedas; Habrola (scil. daughter) of Klearchos; Arata (scil. daughter) of Dionysios; Kleopatra (scil. daughter) of Euippos; Timareta (scil. daughter) of Alexis, natural (scil. daughter) of Karnedas; Kallibola (scil. daughter) of Klearchos; Pelia (scil. daughter) of Philiskos; Mnaso (scil. daughter) of Lysanias; Mnaso (scil. daughter) of Jason; Aristodika (scil. daughter) of Isokrates; Mego (scil. daughter) of Aristodamos; Year 92, Fabia Kudimacha (scil. daughter) of Phaos; Year 133, also 6 (of the regnal year) Kallibola (scil. daughter) of Alexander.

(b): Year 133 [ . . .


For other lists of priestesses of Hera, see C.130, C.142, C.423. lines 3-11 here repeat C.423, lines 8-16 but in lines 5-6 reverse order of names as given in lines 10-11 there. The change of hands in each line suggets that the priestess, or the chief priestess, changed, although the two dates in lines 34, 36 seem to show that it was not annually (but see below).

Line 4: also in C.423 line 9 (Θευπρόπα H[- -]); perhaps Ἡ[συχιω] (possibly traces of a sigma in C.423): ‘nome caratteristico della Cirenaica’(Paci); but Dobias-Lalou observes tha the name, with this spelling, is panhellenic, whereras in Kyrenaika one would expect Ἁσύχιος.

Line 5: also in C.423 line 11

Line 6: also on record in C.423 line 10 (Αἴσχρά Αὐτο[- -]); the patronymic could be Αὐτόματος or Αὐτόνομος (Paci).

Line 9: also in C.423 line 14

Line 10-11: also in C.423 lines 15/16

line 13 Also in C.423, line 2.

Line 14: In smaller letters: perhaps a later insertion in the space casually available between lines 13 and 15, not necessarily respecting the relative chronology postulated for the rest of the list (cf. below at line 34) (Paci).

Line 16-17. the rasura, probably made after the following name had been engraved, served either to replace a deleted name or to correct Mego’s (Paci).

Line 20: perhaps Ἱππά[ρχω] or Ἱππά[σω] (Paci).

Line 26: φύσι, D.-L. (dialectal form, as opposed to the koine-variant in line 16); φύσει, Paci (but φύσι in his commentary)

Line 21-27: line 21 in smaller letters and separated from the preceding text by a relatively large interlinear space; perhaps the following lines (LL. 22-27) were subject of an ‘ampio intervento di rettifica’ (Paci).

Line 34: 92 (era of Cyrenaica) = 61/62 CE. Paci loc.cit. argued that the entries are consecutive up to and including this one, that there was a new priestess each year and therefore that the first entry must have been made in 32/33 CE The argument is attractive but inconclusive. Assuming that there was a new priestess each year (see above), line 36 here and several of the lists of priests of Apollo show that names were not always added to these records with systematic efficiency year by year. The inclusion of the date for the first time in line 34 might even suggest that this entry, like the next, was added after a lapse.

Line 35: patronymic: genitive of Φάος (with ωι for ω: ‘oscillazione ortografica’) (Paci).

Line 36: 133 (era of Cyrenaica) = 102 CE (= 6th year of Trajan); the fact that this priestess was added some 40 years later shows that the inscription was not engraved with strictly chronological preoccupations (Paci).

b: Left side: previously unnoticed; engraved to continue on the left side after lines 34/35 was finished, a project the mason apparently abandoned on realizing that the relatively small space on that side was inconvenient for inscribing the names in the usual manner (Paci).

Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 70, p. 104, pl. XVII-XVIII, figgs. 25a, 25b whence SEG 9.182, PHI 324033; reconsidered, Laronde, 1988a 279-286, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1989.835; ll. 34-5 discussed by Marengo, 1994 223-231, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1997.708. A revised version Paci, 2000 , whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2002.537, and from these SEG 50.1641; further Paci, 2002 271-284 whence SEG 52.1838.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds, Paci)


   Fig. 1. C.103 (C. Dobias-Lalou, 2010: MFA DSC01952)