Description: Sandstone block (w:
0.77 x h:
0.54) from a group
inscribed with T.132, T.133,
T.134, T.135, T.136, T.137,
T.138, T.139, T.140, T.141, T.142,
T.143, T.144, T.145, T.727, T.146,
T.147, T.148, T.149, T.150,
T.151, T.152, T.153, T.154,
T.155, T.156, T.157, T.158,
T.159, T.160, T.161, T.162.
Along fourth inscribed course.
Text: Incised on the face, i above ii, above iv, above v, above vi; ii to the right of i.2.
Letters: ave. 0.07; lunate epsilon, square sigma in iii, lunate sigma in iv, vi, cursive omega in vi; ii: ΟΥ in ligature.
Date: i: 19/20 CE
East Wall: in situ on the inner face, the second group south of the east gate.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
i.1: Σ is cut on a fragment inserted between this block and the next.i.2: ἀπὸ Δημητρ[ι(άδος?)] Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 The remainder of the name has been erased for ii; and the surviving Λ adapted to form the initial of ii
iii: Κλεύμανδρος Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
iv: For the initial the final square sigma of iii has been adapted.
vi: Σώτιος Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Anno 50, Eumene da Demetriade? Cleumandro Zotico. Cleugene di Sotis
English translation
Translation by: Editors
i: Year 50. Eumenes (scil. son?) of Apol-. ii: - of Demetrios. iii: Theumandros. iv: Zotikos. v: Kleugenes. vi: Sosos.
i.2. Never completed.
Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 173 (Vii, 38), pl.LXIV, fig.12, whence SEG 9.444, PHI 324291.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
Fig. 1. Upper row: T.145, T.727, blocks 1-3; lower row T.149, T.150, T.151, T.152, T.153, blocks 1 and part of 2 (Reynolds NS.II.14)Fig. 2. T.159, first block, with T.152 above, T.162 below (Reynolds NS.II.19)
Fig. 3. View of group (Reynolds NS.II.20)
Fig. 4. View of group (2008, H.Walda)
Fig. 5. View of wall (Reynolds, SB.V.300)