- Cyrene (61)
- Gebel Akhdar: West of Cyrene (1)
Current filters
- C.123. Ephebic names
- C.124. Ephebic names
- C.129. Honours for T. Claudius Kartisthenes Euphranor
- C.137. Fragmentary honours
- C.183. Honours for the procurator C. Pomponius Cordius
- C.212. Honours for Arsinoa daughter of Zenion
- C.24. Caption for a statue of Kalliope
- C.25. Caption for a statue of Klio
- C.26. Caption for a statue of Euterpe
- C.269. Honours for Asklapos, priest of Apollo
- C.27. Caption for a statue of Thalia
- C.270. Dedication of a statue
- C.28. Caption for a statue of Melpomene
- C.288. Dedication to Apollo on behalf of Nero
- C.29. Caption for a statue of Polymnia
- C.319. Dedication on behalf of Augustus
- C.35. Caption for a statue
- C.397. Posthumous honours for Kudimacha
- C.399. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.42. Fragmentary dedication of a statue - of the Graces?
- C.424. Name
- C.445. Dedication for Aretaphila
- C.446. Honours for a woman
- C.447. Fragmentary honours
- C.448. Fragmentary honours
- C.449. Fragmentary honours
- C.451. Fragmentary dedication
- C.453. Honours for Octavia
- C.455. Dedication to Ceres
- C.456. Dedication of a statue by Claudia Venusta
- C.459. Honours for Demetria
- C.464. Fragmentary dedication
- C.468. Fragmentary funerary inscription
- C.469. Dedication of a statue of Kore
- C.47. Honours for Gaius Clodius
- C.475. Fragment
- C.478. Fragment
- C.485. Fragment
- C.491. Name
- C.495. Dedication of a statue of Demeter and a shrine
- C.497. Dedication of a statue of Parthenos and a shrine
- C.51. Dedication of ephebic monument to Hermes and Herakles
- C.52. Ephebic name
- C.53. Acclamation
- C.54. Ephebic names
- C.55. Ephebic title
- C.553. Fragmentary honours
- C.56. Ephebic names
- C.647. 1. Dedication of ephebic monument to Hermes and Herakles; 2-4: Ephebic texts
- C.669. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.713. Fragmentary names
- C.76. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles
- C.77. Fragmentary ?name
- C.78. Ephebic names
- C.79. Ephebic names
- C.80. Ephebic names
- C.81. Ephebic names
- C.82. Ephebic names
- C.83. Ephebic name
- C.84. Traces of ?names
- C.85. Traces of names
- M.190. Dedication to Iatros and Iaso