Description: Right side of a marble base
0.10 x h:
0.38 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Augustan, 0.015-0.02.
Date: Augustan.
Sanctuary of Apollo; photographed in 1925.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
[?Julia] the [?daught]er of [Caesar] Augustus: [--] (scil. dedicated her statue) to [?Artem]is
Lines 1-3: these lines probably contained the name either of Julia (as restored) or of Livia, [Λειουίαν] τὰν / [Καίσαρος Σεβ]αστῶ / [γυναῖκ]α.
Lines 4-6: These lines presumably contained the name and patronymic of the donor, the patronymic being a compound of Ammon (Philammon, Alammon e.g.), and at the end perhaps the name of a divinity to whom the statue was dedicated.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).