Description: Sandstone block (w:
1.20 x h:
0.55) from a group inscribed with T.116,
T.117, T.118,
T.119, T.120, T.121, T.122,
T.123, T.124, T.125,
T.126, T.127, T.128, T.129,
T.130, T.131.
Text: Incised on the face, in three different hands. ii must have
continued on a block to the right.
Letters: i, 0.08; ii, 0.15-0.25; iii, 0.05
Date: First century BCE to first century CE
East Wall, on the inner face just south of the East Gate; along second inscribed course, to the right of T.117.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
ii.1: καλι Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 The upright of Κ was later lengthened, the letters ΛΛ were converted to a large A, and followed by ΛΙ of the same size (0.25)iii: Ἀρίμ(μας ?) Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Apollofane. Cali-. Arimma ?
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(i) Apollophanes. (ii) Kalli[-. (iii) Arimmas, year 10.
No comment (2020).
Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 144, (VII, 3), p. 168, pl.LXII, fig.9, whence SEG 9.421, PHI 324268.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).