Description: Brown limestone stele
0.57 x h:
1.60 x d:
Text: Inscribed on two faces. a, the front face is so badly worn that only odd letters are decipherable;
it may have contained the Latin version and certainly the first part of the Greek. b is situated on the right face, and contains
the ending of the Greek text.
Date: CE 71-74
Findspot: Gebel Akhdar: West of Cyrene:
in the coastal plain near Aptouchou Hieron/Haniya; found
in 1960.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(i.e. Emperor Vespasian) . . . ] by the action of Quintus Paconius Agrippinus, his personal envoy, restored royal land to the Roman People.
Vespasian's commissioner, presumably operating in the first half of 74.
Q. Paconius Agrippinus, for whom see PIR2 P 0027, was active in Cyrenaica under Vespasian, 71-74 CE: see C.147, C.428, C.429, C.430, C.438, C.747, M.68, M.165, M.229, M.230, M.232, M.238, M.239, P.397.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).