block, the front face broken away below.
Text: Graffiti on two sides: i-iii on the front,
iii within a circle to the left of i and ii. iv-viii on the reverse face. Each entry in a different hand.
Letters: i, ii, 0.12; iii, 0.03; L for ἔτους.
Date: First century BCE to first century A.D
re-used in the West Church; probably found in 1935.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Lying with debris cleared from it or removed to Tolmeita Museum from this position.
iv: The patronymic is written in small letters between those of the name.French translation
Translation source: AE
iii: Lucius Aelius Harpalus, l'ami de tous.
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(i): Year 13, M(arkos) (i.e. M(arcus)) App[- . . .
(ii): Year 10, Herm[- . . .
(iii): L(oukios) Ailios (i.e. L(ucius) Aelius) Harpalos friend of all
(iv): . . . ] of Aialas, Pro[- . . .
iii: For 'friend of all' compare P.66 and P.316, and see on P.22.
iv: For the patronymic written in small letters within and between the letters of the names, typical of ephebic inscriptions, see C.61, C.123, C.124, and many examples at Ptolemais: P.2, P.11, P.13, P.14, P.69, P.91, P.124, P.133, P.134, P.178, P.182, P.185, P.190, and compare P.200.
Bibliography: iii: Reynolds, 1996, Tolmeita 3, p.41, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1999.627, AE 1996.1667, SEG 46.2217
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).