Description: Sandstone block, broken at both ends (w:
0.60 x h:
0.40 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face, ii above ii.
Letters: i. 0.10.
Date: 25/24 BCE
Late Baths, Frigidarium (room 6), in the south wall; found in 1957.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
i: LΖ ΚΑΡΙ[ Kraeling, 1962 The patronymic was cut in small letters within and between those of the name.
ii: ]ΙΑΡΙ[ Kraeling, 1962
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Year 7. Karn[- (scil. son) of] Aian[-
Year 7. Dem[etrios . . .
One of the many fragments of ephebic texts found in the baths, P.178 to P.198.
i: Probably Καρνήδας or Κάρνις. For the patronymic written in small letters within and between the letters of the names, typical of ephebic inscriptions, see C.61, C.123, C.124, and many examples at Ptolemais: P.2, P.11, P.13, P.14, P.69, P.124, P.133, P.134, P.178, P.182, P.185, P.190, and cf P.200.
Bibliography: Kraeling, 1962, 34.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).