Description: Brown limestone cippus (w:
0.62 x h:
1.31 x d:
Text: Inscribed on the face, which is badly corroded below
Letters: a:. line 1, 0.085; lines 2-5, 0.065; line 6, 0.054; line 7, 0.062; lines 8-9 0.045; line 10, 0,042
Date: 73 CE
Southern temple precinct, against the southern temenos wall.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
Emperor Caesar Vespasian Augustus Pontifex maximus, holding tribunician power for the third time, acclaimed imperator for the 8th time, father of the country, consul three times, designated consul for the fourth time: through Quintus Paconius Agrippinus his personal envoy [restored] the gardens to the Roman People.
Cf also in the same area nos. C.429, C.428; but these must refer to a different parcel of land which both describe as the Ptolmaeum.
Q. Paconius Agrippinus, for whom see PIR2 P 0027, was active in Cyrenaica under Vespasian, 71-74 CE: see C.147, C.428, C.429, C.430, C.438, C.747, M.68, M.165, M.229, M.230, M.232, M.238, M.239, P.397.
Bibliography: Paci, 2011, whence mentioned SEG 61.1553; discussed Struffolino, 2014, 364; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 233.
Text constituted from: From previous publications (Roueché).
None available (2020).