Description: Rock-cut tomb inscribed on the façade,
with T.530, T.531,
T.532, T.533,
Text: Inscribed within a square panel (w:
0.30 x h:
to the left of T.533.
Letters: 0.06.
Date: First century CE
Quarry East XV, South side. First recorded in 1952.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
1: ΙΔ : ΙΑ Gray, 1956 Corrected by Reynolds in SEG3: ΜΑΤΑΝ Gray, 1956 ΜΑΓΑΥ: Reynolds in SEG 16.
4: ΙΑ LΔ Gray, 1956 Corrected by Reynolds in SEG 16.
English translation
Translation source: Gray, 1956
Year 11, Timarchos son of Mat(t)ania, aged 4.
German translation
Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
(Jahr) 14, Timarchos des . . .? 4 (Jahre)
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Year 14, Timarchos (scil. son) of Ma[ ?], aged 4.
Lines 3 and 4 are very unclear. In 3 there may be nothing after ΜΑΓ, giving Μαγ/ν̣ω̣, from Magnos.
Bibliography: Gray, 1956, 42, whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1958.541, and, with readings by J. Reynolds, SEG 16.913, PHI 324396; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983 53.d, whence SEG 33.1504, PHI 324679.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).