IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

T.517. Funerary inscription

Description: Rock-cut tomb inscribed on the façade, with inscriptions T.516, T.517, T.518, T.519, T.520, T.521, T.522, T.523, T.524, T.525, T.526, T.527, T.528.
Text: Inscribed within a rectangular panel (w: 0.35 x h: 0.40) above the door to the right of, but in a higher register than, T.516; the cutter has avoided a damaged area above the lintel.
Letters: 0.03; two slightly different hands.

Date: CE 57-59

Findspot: Taucheira: Quarry East XV, South wall. First recorded in 1825.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Findspot.


(ἔτους) πθ´ Ἐπε̣ι̣φὶ [.]
(ἐτῶν) π̣´
5(ἔτους) δ´ Ἁθὺ[ρ .]
(ἐτῶν) ελ´


L .
5 L ΔΑΘΥ[.·]


1: LΠΟΕΠΜ Pacho, 1827; L [κθ΄] Ἐ[πιφὶ -] CIG, Vol.III; ιθ΄ Ἐπι[φ]ὶ γ΄ Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936; L? Gray, 1956
2: Σ : Υ Pacho, 1827
4: LΚ Pacho, 1827; L κ΄ CIG, Vol.III; L ι΄ Robinson, 1913; L μ΄ Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 so Gray
5: LΛΑΟΥ Pacho, 1827; L λ΄ Ἁ[θ]ὺ[ρ -] CIG, Vol.III; L α΄ Ἁ[θ]ὺ[ρ -] robinson 1913; LΔ ΑΘΥΡ Gray, 1956
6: ΚΑΛΑΓΚΛΕΑ Pacho, 1827; ΚΑΛΛΙΚΕΑ robinson 1913; Καλλίκλεα Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936; ΦΕΙΔΑ Ϲ/ΦΙΛΛΙΓ Gray, 1956; Καλλίκλεια Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
7: ΣΩΓΕΝΕΥΣ Gray, 1956
8: LΞΔ Pacho, 1827 CIG, Gray omit this line; LΕΔ Robinson, 1913

Italian translation

Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936

Anno 19, Epiphi 3 Teodoto di Tolemeo, di anni 40.

Anno 4, Hathyr -. Calliclea di Sogene, di anni 35.

English translation

Translation source: Gray, 1956

Year ? . . . ., Theodotos son of Ptolemaios, aged 40.

Year 4, Athur, P . . ., Pheid(i)as, Philip (. . . ), sons (?) of Sogenes.

German translation

Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983

(Jahr) 89, . . Epiphi, Theodotos des Ptolemaios, 80 (Jahre)

(Jahr) 4 . . . Hathyr, Kallikleia des Sogenes, 35 (Jahre).

English translation

Translation by: Editors

Year 89, Epeiph ?, Theodotos (scil. son) of Ptolemaios, aged 40.

Year 4, Hathyr ?, Kalliklea (scil. daughter) of Sogenes, aged 35.


Line 1: 89 of the Actian era, Epeiph (?) = CE 59 June/July.

Line 5: Year 4; since there can be no great lapse of time between the cutting of the first and of the second entry here this should be 4 of the reign of Nero (on the Egyptian reckoning) so 57/58 CE.

Bibliography: Pacho, 1827 pl. LXXXIII, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5296, p. 549; some corrections, Robinson, 1913, from De Cou, 199; Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 409-410, (283-4, La.XV.11.5-5b), p. 224, whence SEG 9.672, SEG 9.673; Gray, 1956, 39-40, whence listed SEG 16.924, SEG 16.925; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983 50.b, whence SEG 33.1488, PHI 324663.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Transcription (1827, Pacho, plate LXXXIII)

   Fig. 2. View of T.518 and T.517 below, T.519 below left (Reynolds NS.X.28)

   Fig. 3. Detail (Reynolds NS.X.28)