IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

T.376. Funerary inscription

Description: Rock-cut tomb inscribed on the façade with T.376, T.377, T.378, T.379, T.380, T.381, T.382, T.383, T.384, T.385, T.386, T.387, T.388.
Text: Inscribed within a rectangular panel, the surface badly worn (w: 0.26 x h: 0.28) above the door, on the right side; below T.377.
Letters: 0.03; L for ἔτους, ἐτῶν.

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Taucheira: Quarry East XI, East wall; first recorded in 1825.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Findspot.


(ἔτους) ζ´ Φαρμου-
θὶ κ̣ζ´ Σαλωὶ
5[...]Α ( vac. 1)Π ( vac. 1)


5[···]Α  Π  


1: ΑΡΜ Pacho, 1827
2: ΟΙΚΣΣΛΛΠ Pacho, 1827
3-4: Οmitted by Pacho.
5: ΙΤ Pacho, 1827

English translation

Translation source: Reynolds, 1983

Year 7, Pharmouthi 27, Saloi daughter of . . .

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

Year 7, Pharmouthi 27, Saloi [(scil. daughter) of . . .


Line 2: Salo is probably a Jewish name

Bibliography: Pacho, 1827, LXXXII, whence treanscribed, but not edited, CIG, Vol.III, 5303, lines 6 ff.; Reynolds, 1983, 12.a, whence SEG 33.1388 (PHI 324571)
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Transcription (1827, Pacho, plate LXXXII)

   Fig. 2. From top: T.378, T.377, T.376 (Reynolds, Tocra IX.6.7a, NS.X.7)