Description: Seven adjacent sandstone blocks in the City Wall: a: w:
0.48 x h:
0.47; b: w:
1.68 x h:
0.40; c: w:
0.50 x h:
d: w:
0.55 x h:
0.52; e: w:
1.52 x h:
0.43; f: w:
1.00 x h:
0.43; g: w:
1.57 x h:
0.38. In a group which comprises
T.163, T.164, T.165,
T.166, T.168, T.169, T.170,
T.171, T.172, T.173, T.174, T.175.
In the third inscribed course, partly buried.
Text: Incised on the face· i. extending over all blocks; ii-iv, on block c; v-xiii, on block e; xiv, on block g.
Date: Late first century BCE - early second century CE
East Wall: in situ on the inner face, the third group south of the east gate.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
i: Τήλεφος Πόρω - - πθαι αισα Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936 Of the second name only the final Ω is now visibleiii: Φρά(σ)ις, Συ- Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
iv: Νικ[ο]ῦρ[ος?] Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
vi: Δημ[ήτριος] Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
ix: Εὔπ[ω]λος Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
vii,.viii: Omitted by Oliverio
xi: L δκʹ. Ἀμυράντι Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
xii.1: Δ]ημήτρι[ος] Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
xiii: [Θευ?]δώρω Νικαν - -
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
181: Telefo di Poro ? Carnis Frasis di Si- Nicuro. 179: Demetrio Eupolo. Nicodromo. Demetrio di Demofilo, Anno 24 Ad-Amiràn di Teodoro. Nican- -àn. Pasion per costume di Li-
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(i) Telephos (scil. son) of Proros. Itthanuras (scil. son) of Anussan. (ii) Karnis. (iii) Euphrantos son of Su-. (iv) Kyranaios. (v) Eu[-. (vi) Demetrios. (vii) Year 4. Maian[-. (viii) Areithros?. (ix) Eutychos. (x) Nikodromos. (xi) Akaimuran. (xii). Demetrios (scil. son) of Damophilos. (xiii) -doros. (xiv) Pasion, customary companion of Lu-
There is a variation between the letter sizes of this name and what follows but with this rough cutting it need not be regarded as significant;
xi. Possibly to be taken with viii
xiv: For this formula, with ἔθη see on T.27,
Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 181, 188 (vii, 46-7; 54-8), whence SEG 9.452, PHI 324299, SEG 9.459, PHI 324306; corrected Reynolds, 1996, 2, whence mentioned Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1999.627, SEG 46.2220.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).