Description: Partly buried wall constructed of sandstone
blocks, inscribed with P.35, P.36, P.37,
P.38, P.39, P.40,
P.41, P.42, P.43,
P.44 and P.45.
Text: Inscribed on two faces: b to the right of a.
Further texts below these are still buried.
Letters: a: ave. 0.07; probably at least six hands, lunate sigma in ii. b: two hands
Date: First century BCE to first century CE
near the West Gate, in an unexcavated area between the city wall and the West church.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
Loose beside the west end of the masonry
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(a.i): . . . ] Nobios, friend/s S[- . . ....
(a.iii): Alexis (scil. son/friend?) of Kyrenaios
(a.iv): Menekrates
(a.v): Arimman
( Emisathis, ?friend [ . . .
(b.i): Pamphilos
( Arimman
For this group of texts see commentary on P.9.
a. i: written as a monogram, see on P.26.
a. vi· either φίλος, followed by another name, or the beginning of a patronymic.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
None available (2020).