IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

M.22. Name of ?a Syrian

Description: Outcrop of natural rock, on which texts are cut more or less roughly, in a series of different hands, with dates ranging from 15/16 to 52 CE: M.3, M.4, M.5, M.6, M.7, M.8, M.9, M.10, M.11, M.12, M.13, M.14, M.15, M.16, M.17, M.18, M.19, M.20, M.21, M.22, M.23, M.24, M.25, M.26, and perhaps M.27. They may be described as graffiti although the surviving example and the photographs show that their production often involved much more effort than the normal graffito.
Text: Incised on the surface (w: 1.00), without a frame.
Letters: Square sigma.

Date: First century A.D

Findspot: South of Berenike: Beside the ancient road from Corniclanum/Ajdabia, leading south to the oasis of Gialo; recorded in 1923.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Now covered by modern houses.


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1: Σ[ώπατ]ρος Ferri, 1926

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

. . . ] ?a Syrian


For general introduction see M.3.

The surviving letters from the previous word suggest a local epithet from Apamea ( as inM.3, M.5, M.6, M.11) or Antioch (as in M.9).

Bibliography: Ferri, 1926, 20, with photograph and drawing, p.384, whence SEG 9.792.
Text constituted from: From previous publications and departmental photograph (Reynolds).


None available (2020).