IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.722. Fragments with names

Description: Three fragments from the top of a marble panel moulded above. a: moulding broken away above, w: 0.29 x h: 0.16 x d: 0.06 b: With moulding complete, w: 0.28 x h: 0.27 x d: 0.08; c: With moulding complete, w: 0.22 x h: 0.39 x d: 0.07.
Text: Inscribed on the face.
Letters: Second century CE; 0.05.

Date: Second century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: findspot unrecorded. Found before 1941.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum. (Inv. no. a: 546, b: 547, c: 349)


[---] ( vac. ) Ἀνδρο̣[σθένης] ( vac. 1) Χαιρεσι̣λάω [---]
[---]( vac. ) ὑό̣[ς] ( vac. ) [---]


[---]      ΑΝΔΡ.[......]  ΧΑΙΡΕΣ.ΛΑΩ[---]
[---]      Υ.[.]      [---]

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

Andro[sthenes] son of Chairesilaos


No comment (2020).

Text constituted from: Transcription (a and b by Reynolds, c by Dobias-Lalou).


   Fig. 1. b and a together (Joyce Reynolds, VI.8)

   Fig. 2. a (1961, Joyce Reynolds, I.80)

   Fig. 3. a (1961, Joyce Reynolds, I.80)

   Fig. 4. b (1961, Joyce Reynolds, I.80)

   Fig. 5. b (1961, Joyce Reynolds, I.80)

   Fig. 6. C.722.b (left), C.674 (centre), C.738 (right)

   Fig. 7. C.722.c (C. Dobias-Lalou, 1976: 76/V/34)