IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.674. Fragmentary honours for ?Antoninus Pius

Description: Fragment of marble (w: 0.13 x h: 0.14 x d: 0.09).
Text: Inscribed on the surviving face which is only semi-dressed.
Letters: Second century CE: 0.025.

Date: 138-161

Findspot: Cyrene: found before 1941; findspot unrecorded.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum.


[Αὐτοκράτορα Καίσαρα
Τ(ίτον) Αἴλιον Ἀντωνεινὸν Σεβαστὸν
θεῶ Ἁδριανῶ υ]ἱ̣ὸν θε̣[ῶ]
[Νέρουα Τραι]α̣νῶ υἱω̣[νὸν]
[.. ? .. τροφέ]α καὶ̣ [σω-
τῆρα ---]


[.. ? .......]ΑΚΑ.[......---]

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

[Emperor Caesar T(itus) Aelius Antoninus Augustus] son [of deified Hadrian], grandson of deified [Nerva Traj]an, [sustainer?] and [saviour . . .


Clearly from an emperor's name. Since Σεβαστός would normally be the title immediately preceding the filiation, the first surviving word here is likely to be from υἱόν rather than a name in -ιος or -νος and the second line gives the grandfather's name which can only be Trajan or Hadrian. The subject must then be Antoninus Pius or M. Aurelius, and the former fits better the space available, as in the reconstruction here; for the epithets supplied here see C.110, also for Antoninus.

Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face

   Fig. 2. C.722,a (left), C.674 (centre), C.738 (right)