IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.104. Fragmentary building inscription

Description: Four damaged architrave blocks of limestone (w: 5.53 x h: 0.51 x d: 0.70).
Text: Inscribed on one face on both fasciae, the surface badly damaged.
Letters: Probably Augustan, first century CE; line 1 0.17; line 2 0.18.

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Agora, West Stoa: found probably in 1921.
Original location: From the ionic entablature of the Augusteum.
Last recorded location: Standing in front of the Stoa, partially reconstructed.


[---]lus pro ( vac. 1) co(n)s(ul) ( vac. 1) de [su]a pequnia ( vac. 1) fac(iendum) ( vac. 1) curau[it]
[--- faci?]endumque cura[uit]



1: lus Gasperini, 1965 ; sua Gasperini, 1965 ; curauit Gasperini, 1965 ; ficiendum Gasperini, 1965

English translation

Translation by: Editors

. . . -]us, proconsul, with his own money had it made.[ . ? . ] saw to ?the work.


Gasperini suggests, attractively, that this is Q. Lucanius Proculus (PIR2 L 0348), proconsul under Augustus in or after 12 BCE, also in C.151, C.319, q.v., but of the first surviving letter all that we can see is part of an upright, so that the identification must remain conjectural. In arguing that the work must be earlier than CE 3-4 as the earliest year in which the cult of Augustus is securely attested at Cyrene he fails to take into account C.95 lines 3f. which shows that there was a priesthood of August there by BCE 17-16; there is in any case no need to assume that the priesthood could not exist without this particular cult centre.

Line 1: For de/ex pecunia sua, 'from his own money' see also M.46, IRT 605).

Bibliography: Gasperini, 1965, 211 and pl. XXXVI. 1, also fig. opp. p. 212 and fig. 132 (drawings), whence AE 1968.539, whence EDH 015569; Gasperini, 1967a, 25-27 and fig. 209
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. First blocks (Joyce Reynolds, III 46)

   Fig. 2. Last blocks (Joyce Reynolds, III 46)