Description: Rock-cut tomb, to the right of that with T.335.
Text: Inscribed on the façade above the door within a prepared rectangular area
0.60 x h:
Letters: 0.07; two hands, oblique stroke alpha, lunate sigma, cursive omega; i: superscript bar above the abbreviated praenomen; ii:
similar to the hand of T.335.
Date: Perhaps first century A.D
Quarry East VI, East wall. First recorded in 1825.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
i.1: ΕΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ Pacho, 1827; Εἰουλίου CIG, Vol.IIIii.1: Π : ΤΙ Pacho, 1827
ii.2: τῶ καὶ : ΤΩϹΑΙ Pacho, 1827; ω[νος . . . CIG, Vol.III
ii.3: Omitted by CIG.
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Di G. Guilio Asclapos, detto anche Lupo
English translation
Translation by: Editors
i: (scil. Tomb) of G(aios Ioulios(i.e. G(aius) Julius). ii: (scil. Tomb) of Asklapos, also called Loupos (i.e. Lupus).
Oliverio does not distinguish the two hands, and reads this as a single text.
Bibliography: Pacho, 1827, LXXXVI, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5302; Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 316 (191, La. VI.2), whence SEG 9.582
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).