IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.265. Fragmentary list of priests of Apollo

Description: Damaged marble stele, consisting of two blocks standing on a base that is moulded on three sides (together w: 0.85 x h: 1.05 x d: 0.68). Ιnscribed on two faces with C.265 and C.266
Text: Inscribed on the front face, which is damaged at the top and right side, and (line 10) on the moulded base; each entry in a different hand.
Letters: First century CE : line 1, not measurable; lines 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 0.04; lines 4, 5, 7, 0.045; line 10, 0.03-0.035; / for homonymous patronymics, in lines 2 and 4.

Date: 67-71 CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Temple of Apollo, built into a late partition wall; first recorded in 1861.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Standing in the Pronaos, beside the entrance of the cella, on the south side (2008).


Μ(ᾶρκος) Ἀντώνιος Κερεᾶλ̣ις ((leaf))
Πτολ̣ε̣μαίου (Πτολεμαίου) (Πτολεμαίου) ((stop)) (Πτολεμαίου) ((stop)) (Πτολεμαίου) ((stop)) υἱὸς ((leaf))
( vac. 6) Αἰγλάνω̣ρ ( vac. 4)
Μητρόδωρος (Μητροδώρου) [τοῦ]
5( vac. 1) Μητροδώρου ((leaf))
(ἔτους) ϙη´ Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Ἀρχίπ[που ((leaf))]
( vac. 3) υἱὸς Ἄρχιππος ((leaf))
(ἔτους) ϙθ´ Μ(ᾶρκος) Ἀντώνιος Μ(άρκου) Ἀντ̣[ωνίου]
( vac. 2) Φλάμμα υἱὸς Κασκέλλιος
10[(ἔτους) ρ]α̣´ Κ̣(όϊντος) Φάβιος Φιλίσκου υἱὸς Φίλιππος
( vac. 3 lines)




1: [Μ Αν]τώνιος SECir, 1961-1962
8: Lϙθ SECir, 1961-1962
10: L ρκʹ Φάβιος SECir, 1961-1962

English translation

Translation by: Editors

M(arkos) Antonios Kerealis (i.e. M(arcus) Antonius Cerealis) Aiglanor, the son of Ptolemy (scil. the son of four generations) of Ptolemy; Metrodoros (scil. son) of Metrodoros (scil. son) of Metrodoros; Year 98, Ti(berios) Klaudios (i.e. Ti(berius) Claudius) Archippos son of Archippos; Year 99, M(arkos) Antonios Kaskellios (i.e. M(arcus) Antonius Cascellius), son of M(arkos) Antonios Phlamma (i.e. M(arcus) Antonius Flamma); Year 101, K(ointos) Phabios (i.e. Q(uintus) Fabius) Philippos son of Philiskos.


The different hands suggest that the text is a running record of eponymous priests. For a duplicate see C.49, and discussion there.

The stone has been damaged since discovery; supplements in lines 1-9 are from Smith and Porcher: they did not note line 10. Oliverio could read a little more than we do on the left side; he reported line 10 separately.

Lines 2-3: for the first entry see Laronde

Line 2: Smith and Porcher read four uprights after Πτολεμαίου; the oblique stroke that survives was presumably the first of these. The meaning is that Πτολεμαῖος was the descendant of four generations of the same name.

line 10 If correctly read 101 of the Actian era = CE 70-71

Bibliography: Transcribed in letter by Smith to Newton Thorn, 2007, 122; published Smith-Porcher, 1864, 24, p.115 and pl.84, whence IGRR, I.1030 and, from a copy by de Mathuisieulx, IGRR addenda I.1517; see also Pernier, 1935, 93 and fig. 83; SECir, 1961-1962, 4.a (from T.X 33). and (line 10) 6 (from T.XI 3, XIII 10v), fig. 5, 6, 8. Discussed, Marengo, 1996, whence AE 1995.1631, Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1997.707
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face. lines 1-9 (1911, Norton 36)

   Fig. 2. Face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 3. Face, lines 1-9 (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. Face, line 9-10 (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 5. C.265 and C.266, view (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 6. Face (1911, Norton 24)