Description: Limestone base, chipped at the upper right corner
0.76 x h:
0.29 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: First century BCE - Augustan: 0.026.
Date: First century BCE - Augustan
Found in 1927 in the Roman Propylaeum:
in the area to the north-west.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Temple of Hades, placed on the back wall (2001).
1: Probably Παυσίλαν (so LGPN) or Χρυσίλαν.English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
Pausila (scil. daughter) of Bakal: Thaliarchos (scil. son) of Aniochos dedicated (scil. the statue of) his own wife.
All details are taken from Oliverio.
Bibliography: Oliverio, 1930, 16 p.191, fig. 49, whence SEG 9.64
Text constituted from: Read from the Department photograph (Reynolds).