Description: Three limestone blocks.
Inscribed on the exposed face. The six blocks
immediately to the right of this are lost or damaged; the two blocks that follow survive and are uninscribed
so that only c.18 letters can be restored.
Letters: Large letters; probably Augustan.
Date: Probably Augustan
Caesareum: found in 1941,
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
Restored on the external face of the south wall, at the west end, in the uppermost course where they are
inaccessible to close examination.
English translation
Translation by: Editors
On behalf of Rome [---]
Since we know the building was called Caesareum, from C.4, and cf. C.7, this text perhaps included the name Caesar, e.g. [καὶ θεῶ Καίσαρος] or [καὶ Καίσαρος Σεβαστῶ] or, perhaps [καὶ Καίσαρος διαμονᾶς] on the analogy of SEG 11.923, lines 28f. which prescribed sacrifices in the Caesareum at Gytheum and IEph 412 (available at PHI 247977) which gives the dedication of the Augusteum at Ephesus. If the letter-forms are correctly dated this is the oldest inscription to survive from the Caesareum and may be a record of the original dedication of the building as a centre of imperial cult. For another Caesareum in Cyrenaica, see P.323 at Ptolemais.
Bibliography: Reynolds, 1958, I, p.159, whence SEG 17.803, PHI 324416, AE 1960.265; Gasperini, 1971, C.10 and fig. 14.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).