IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.7. Building inscription for repairs after the Jewish revolt

Description: Seven fragments from four limestone wall blocks, all incomplete, bearing a monumental inscription (Α. w: 0.86 x h: 0.50 x d: 0.61; Β. w: 0.60 x h: 0.29 x d: 0.61; C. w: 0.89 x h: 0.60 x d: 0.35; D. w: 0.48 x h: 0.50 x d: 0.35).
Text: Inscribed on the exposed faces.
Letters: Second century: Latin, line 1, 0.09; line 2, 0.065; Greek, line 1, 0.09; line 2, 0.065.

Date: CE December 117-December 118

Findspot: Cyrene: Caesareum: A. found before 1941, re-used in the internal face of the South pier of the East porch; B. found before 1941, in the course of the excavation; C and D found in 1956, re-used in the late fourth or fifth century to block a doorway.
Original location: Caesareum.
Last recorded location: B now in the Cyrene Museum; A, C and ?D findspot.


[Imp(erator) Caesar d]iui Tr[aiani Parthici fil]ius ((leaf)) diụ[i Nerua] ṇepos T[raianus Hadrianus Aug(ustus) pont(ifex) max(imus) trib(unicia) pot(estate) II co(n)s(ul) II ]
[ciuitati Cy]ṛenensium [Caesareu]ṃ ((leaf)) tumul[tu Iudaic]o dirutum [et exustum restitui iussit?] ( vac. 2)

[Αὐτοκράτωρ] Καῖσαρ θ[εοῦ Τραιανοῦ Π]αρθικ[οῦ υἱὸς] θεοῦ Νέρου[α υἱωνὸς Τραιανὸς Ἁδριανὸς Σεβαστὸς ἀρ]χιερεὺς ( vac. 2)
[μέγιστος] δημαρχικῆς [ἐξουσία]ς̣ τὸ β̣´ [ὕπατος τὸ β´ τ]ῇ̣ πόλει ((leaf)) τ̣ὸ ( vac. 1) Και̣[σάρειον? ἐν τῶι Ἰουδαικῶι ταράχωι κατεστραμμένον κα]τασταθῆναι ἐκέλευσ[εν].


[...........]IUITR[................]IUS DI.[......].EPOST[........................................]
[..........].ENENSIUM[........]. TUMUL[........]ODIRUTUM[.......................]    

[........]ΔΗΜΑΡΧΙΚΗΣ[.......].ΤΟ.[..........].ΠΟΛΕΙ .Ο  ΚΑ.[............................................]ΤΑΣΤΑΘΗΝΑΙΕΚΕΛΕΥΣ[..]

German translation

Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983

(Lines 1-2): Der Imperator Caesar, Sohn des zum Gott erhobenen Traianus Parthicus, Enkel des zum Gott erhobenen Nerva, Traianus Hadrianus Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, im zweiten Jahr der tribunizischen Gewalt, zum zweiten Mal Konsul, befahl, dass für die Bürgerschaft der Kyrener das im jüdischen Aufstand zerstörte und abgebrannte Caesareum widerhergestellt werde.

English translation

Translation by: Editors

(Lines 1-2): [Emperor Caesar] son of the deified Trajan, [victor in Parthia,] grandson of the deified [Nerva, Trajan Hadrian Augustus, chief priest, holding tribunician power for the second time, consul for the second time], [gave orders for the Caesareu]m, destroyed [and burnt in the Jewish] revolt, [to be restored for the city] of the Cyrenaeans.

(Lines 3-4): [Emperor] Caesar son of the deified Trajan, victor in Parthia, grandson of the deified Nerva, Trajan Hadrian Augustus, [chief] priest, holding tribunician [power] for the second time, [consul for the second time], gave orders for the Cae[sareum, destroyed in the Jewish revolt, to be] restored for the city.


The date is between 10th December 117 and 9th December 118. The date indicates that repairs to this building were executed with some speed after the suppression of the Jewish revolt of 115.

Line 2:The Latin word [Caesareum] is restored from the Greek text. In the Greek, τὸ καπ̣[ετώλιον is a theoretically possible alternative, but if Cyrene had a Capitolium and if it was correctly identified by Gislanzoni these blocks cannot have belonged to it. Despite their scattered findspots and a difficulty in deciding where in the Caesareum they can have been placed originally, it seems reasonable to conclude that it is to the Caesareum that they refer.

There may have been a duplicate text, see C.6, C.10

Bibliography: Applebaum, 1950, E.1 (block b and part of block d only), whence AE 1951.123, whence EDH 021148, Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1951.244; all four blocks Reynolds, 1958, IV.a, p. 161f, whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1960.438, SEG 17.804, PHI 324417, Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1960.438, and see also Reynolds, 1958-1959; republished Gasperini, 1971, C.5; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983, 17; translated, Williams, 1988, V.87. For the original location see Luni, 1992, 143-145, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1993.697, SEG 42.1665; discussed, Boatwright, 2000; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 156 and following.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Block a

   Fig. 2. Blocks a and b (Department of Antiquities, F 3942)

   Fig. 3. Block b (light 1)

   Fig. 4. Block b (light 2)

   Fig. 5. Block c (Joyce Reynolds, III. 72)

   Fig. 6. Block c (Joyce Reynolds, IV.72)

   Fig. 7. Block c (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 8. Block d (Joyce Reynolds, VIII.42)

   Fig. 9. C.11 b, resting on C.7, block d, first part (Joyce Reynolds, II. 64).

   Fig. 10. C.11 b, resting on C.7, block d, end (Joyce Reynolds, II.92)