IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.3. Building inscription of the Caesareum

Description: Limestone architrave block broken into two pieces and damaged at either end: together (w: 0.55 x h: 2.16 x d: 0.90)
Text: Inscribed on the face, below intermittently surviving mouldings. The face has been considerably worn since the first photographs.
Letters: First cent. CE; cut with rather broad and shallow trenches; 0.15. The stop after Pacilaeus in line 2 is in the form of a small jug.

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Caesareum: found before 1941 in the Doric entablatures of the East porch. Fallen from the external face of the porch and lying near it in the street that runs alongside the building.
Original location: Caesareum: their present position seems to indicate that they were on the street side.
Last recorded location: Caesareum (2008).


[---]us ((leaf))pro((stop))co(n)ṣ(ul) p̣orticus ((leaf)) C̣[aesarei?---]
[---]s ((leaf)) M(arci) ((stop)) f(ilius) ((stop)) Pac̣ịḷạeus ((jug)) leg(atus) ((leaf)) p̣[ro pr(aetore)? ---]


[---]US PRO CO..ORTICUS .[.......---]
[---]S M F PA....EUS jug LEG .[.....---]


1: No P for porticus was visible by 1989.

English translation

Translation by: Editors

[ . . . -]us proconsul the portico [ . . .

. . .] Pacilaeus, son of Marcus, legate [ . . .


See also the fuller inscription from the opposite face, C.4, where see commentary. There is part of another similar block nearby which has completely lost its surface.

Pacilaeus, PIR2 P.23, here and in C.3, is otherwise unknown.

Bibliography: Reynolds, 1958, II.a.i, whence AE 1960.266; Gasperini, 1971, C.3 and fig. 10.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Both blocks (Reynolds VI.28)

   Fig. 2. Both blocks (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 3. View of both blocks (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. First block (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 5. Second block (BSR 49. XXII.42)

   Fig. 6. Second block (2008, H.Walda)