IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

T.567. Funerary inscription

Description: Rock-cut tomb inscribed on the façade, which is partly buried, with T.567, T.568, T.569, T.570; cf also T.571.
Text: Inscribed above the door, quite illegible.
Letters: None legible

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Taucheira: Quarry East XV, West wall. RAF Tomb C. First recorded in 1944.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Findspot.


(None legible)


(None legible)

English translation

Translation by: Editors

(Not usefully translatable.)


No comment (2020).

Bibliography: Reynolds, 1957 in SEG 16.876; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983, 59.a
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


None available (2020).