IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

T.363. Funerary inscription

Description: Rock-cut tomb. Above the door (which is substantially buried) is a niche, flanked by pillars in relief and containing a damaged portrait bust in relief, and to the right of it a plain rectangular niche. Strong vegetation prevents close approach to the rock face and no measurements were taken. The visible inscriptions, T.363 and T.364, are below the niches, above the door
Text: Inscribed within the right side of a panel whose surface is badly damaged; to the right of T.364.
Letters: No description

Date: First to second century CE

Findspot: Taucheira: Quarry East IX, east wall of the dromos.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Findspot.


5[---]Κ Ζ


5[---]Κ Ζ

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

(Not usefully translatable)


Line 5: Perhaps κζ' = 27.

Line 6: This combination of letters at the end of the text suggests the use of Latin here and a concluding phrase such as faciendum curaverunt; for other Latin texts in this quarry see T.365, T.366.

Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. T.363 to the left, T.364 to the right(Joyce Reynolds, Tocra III.3.28, NS.IV.28)

   Fig. 2. T.363 to the left, T.364 to the right(Joyce Reynolds, Tocra II.3.30, NS.IV.30)

   Fig. 3. Empty niche above T.363 and T.364 (Joyce Reynolds, Tocra III.3.29, NS.IV.29)