Description: Rock-cut tomb inscribed on the façade beside the
door within a number of panels, with T.276, T.277,
T.278, T.279, T.280,
T.281 and others too worn to read.
Text: Inscribed within a square panel
0.30 x h:
0.29), beside a niche cut in the façade
to the right of T.277 and T.278.
Letters: First century BCE - first century CE; 0.035; ; L for ἔτους, ἐτῶν.
Date: First century BCE - first century A.D
Quarry West VII, South wall of the dromos; first recorded in 1911.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
Year 4, Phamenoth 2, K(ouintos) Billienos (i.e. Q(uintus Billienus) Kallimachos, aged 84.
For lines 1-3 Robinson suggested: [L] ια΄ Φ[αωφεὶ] Κιλλιηνὸς
Line 2: in view of the dates in T.274, T.277 and T.278, perhaps 4 of the reign of Vespasian, CE 71/72 or of Domitian, CE 84/85.
Bibliography: Robinson, 1913, from De Cou, 115, with a drawing
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).