IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

P.327. Christian funerary inscription

Description: Marble panel recontructed from three pieces ( 0.60 0.59 0.12).
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Probably sixth century: lines 1, 4, 5, 0.045; lines 2, 3, 0.05; an ivy leaf on a stalk at the ends of lines 2 and 4; eta with a vertical stroke through the cross bar in line 5; superscript bar above the abbreviation in line 5.

Date: Probably sixth century

Findspot: Ptolemais: modern village, in the area of the former military hospital; found before 1936.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Tolmeita Museum.


((crux)) ὑπὲρ μνήμηϲ
κοιμήϲεωϲ ((leaf))
καὶ ἀναπαύϲεωϲ
τῆϲ μακαρίαϲ ((leaf))
5 δούλης τοῦ Θ(εο)ῦ Ἰουλίαϲ



Italian translation

Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936

Per la memoria, il (giusto) sonno ed il riposo (eterno) della, morta nella grazia del Signore, serva di Dio Giulia.

English translation

Translation source: Reynolds-Ward-Perkins-Goodchild, 2003

For the memory, the rest and repose of the blessed servant of God, Julia.


The dating is not very secure.

Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 534 (58), p. 257, pl. CVI, fig. 99, whence SEG 9.408, PHI 324257; Reynolds, 1960, 16; Reynolds-Ward-Perkins-Goodchild, 2003, 200.4; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 103.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face (1961, Joyce Reynolds III.20)