Description: Rock-cut tomb, inscribed on the façade, which is badly damaged, with P.271,
P.272, P.273, P.274, P.275.
Text: Inscribed within a sunk rectangular panel whose right side is partly lost (w:
0.32 x h:
0.56), to the left of the door.
Letters: 0.045; cursive epsilon, lunate sigma, cursive omega.
Date: First to third centuries CE
Quarry I.c, north wall;
first recorded in 1825.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
German translation
Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
Eirena des Markus starb . . . (jährig)
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Eirena (scil. daughter) of Markos (i.e. Marcus) died, aged 60.
The name could be Jewish
Bibliography: Pacho, 1827 pl. LXXVII, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5199; Ghislanzoni, 1915, 119, fig.24; corrections by Robinson, 1913, from Norton, 196; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983 33.d.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).