Description: Rock-cut tomb, inscribed on the façade, which is badly damaged, with P.271,
P.272, P.273, P.274, P.275.
Text: Inscribed within a gabled panel outlined in relief, to the right of the door (w:
0.44 x h:
1.93); the die is divided by a horizontal incised line, below which is a roughly incised pediment.
Letters: i, 0.03; ii. 0.04; cursive epsilon, lunate sigma, cursive omega; L for ἔτους, ἐτῶν; two different hands.
Date: First to third centuries CE
Quarry I.c, north wall;
first recorded in 1825.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
i.1: ΙΒΕΙΙΙΦΙΙΕΛΥ Pacho, 1827i.2: Μαρίω : ΜΛιΙΙΙ Pacho, 1827
i.3: Α Pacho, 1827; [ἐτῶν ια΄] CIG, Vol.III; ΙΑ / ΘΑ Smith-Porcher, 1864
ii.1: ΑΛΕ Pacho, 1827; ΑΛ Smith-Porcher, 1864
ii.2: ΕΥ.ΙΛ Pacho, 1827; ΛΡΨΑ Smith-Porcher, 1864
ii.3: ΕΤΕΝ . ΙΗ Pacho, 1827
ii.4: ϹΕΕΤ . . . Pacho, 1827
German translation
Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
(Jahr) 2, 15.Epiphi, Lyka des Philon, Marion
Baleris Theuphilos starb 39 (jährig)
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(i) Year 2, Epiphi 15, Lyka (scil. daughter) of Philon, Marion.
(ii) Valeri(o)s Theophilos died, aged 39.
The names indicate Jews; see Lüderitz, loc.cit.
Bibliography: Pacho, 1827 pl. LXXVII, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5214; Smith-Porcher, 1864, 67, pl. 54 (drawing only); Ghislanzoni, 1915 119, fig.24; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983 33.a, b, whence (a) SEG 33.1469, PHI 324643.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).