IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

P.101. Fragmentary decree or ruling

Description: Fragment from the left side of a stele of Attic marble (w: 0.90 x h: 0.9 x d: 0.08).
Text: Inscribed on one face; the text is closely related to that of P.100, and it is very probably from the same panel.
Letters: First century BCE - Augustan: 0.06.

Date: First century BCE to Augustan

Findspot: Ptolemais: Square of the Cisterns, with P.100; excavated in 1935.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum


[ ( vac. 3) ..]Δ̣Ι̣[---]
[ ( vac. 3) Ἰτ]θαννύρου [---]
[ ( vac. 2)] οὗ ἐστιν ἡ τιμ̣[ή ---]-
( vac. 3)-ροντα ὅ ἐστιν [---]
5 ( vac. 2) καὶ χωρίον Διοκλ[---]-
( vac. 3)-θης ὃ καλεῖται [---]
Ἀλεξάνδρωι Νουμη[νίου? ---]
( vac. 3) Κ̣[---]



3: ΗΤΙΙ Reynolds, 1962 τιμή suggested by M.N. Tod in a letter.
5: ΔιοκλΙ Reynolds, 1962
6: καλεῖται Μ[ . . . Reynolds, 1962

English translation

Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds

. . . of It]thannyras [ . ? . ] the ?value of which is [ . ? . -]ronta which is [ . ? .] and the place (?land) [?of] Diokl[es? . . . -]thes which is called [ . . . ]. For Alexandros (scil. son) of Noume[nios . . .


The fragment very probably from the Greek version of the Latin text P.100, which it resembles both in the quality of marble used, to some extent in the style and mannerisms of its letters, and in the layout of its text. The subject in both seems to be the definition of plots of land and perhaps their allocation to colonists (c.f. the dative in 1.7 ); see further the commentary on P.100.

Line 2: For Ἰτθαννύρας we now have many examples; there is no convincing evidence for the name Θαννύρας (as suggested in 1962). But it was mistaken in 1962 to suggest that he was among the recipients, since he is apparently only named as the owner of a territory adjoing the one(s) being described.

Bibliography: Reynolds, 1962, 8 pl. XVf, whence SEG 20.766, PHI 324519, mentioned Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1964.592
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face

   Fig. 2. View with P.100 to the left

   Fig. 3. View, right

   Fig. 4. P.100 and P.101 resting on C.555 (Photographic Archive B-24).

   Fig. 5. View

   Fig. 6. Squeeze (M.H. Ballance)