Description: Moulded fragment from a monument with a triangular pediment above, a line of moulding, and a face below. From a group of inscribed
stones, M.45, M.46, M.47,
M.48, M.49, and M.55.
Text: Inscribed on the upper moulding; there are further letters on the face, illegibale from the photograph.
Letters: Carefully cut small Greek letters, lunate sigma.
Date: First - third century CE
Findspot: South of Berenike:
found and photographed by members of an Italian army unit in 1927.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1927)
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(Not usefully translatable)
For this group of texts see on M.45
Text constituted from: Transcribed from photographs (Reynolds).