Description: Tapered stele of white marble, probably Attic, moulded above, but broken at the top
and chipped along all edges
0.39 x h:
1.16 x d:
0.23). Inscribed on three other faces, with IGCyr033100
Text: Inscribed on one face; each entry in a different hand.
Letters: Freehand letters, first century BCE-first cent CE; varying heights, 0.025-0.04; L for ἔτους, ἐτῶν.
Date: 16-14 BCE
Gebel Akhdar: East of Cyrene:
El-Gubba; found in 1930.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
6: Cut over an erasure.
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Anno 15 (= 16 a.). Durante la carica del sacerdote Filisco di Eufane. Didima di Eufranore, di anni 18. Anno 16 (= 15 a.). Sotto (durante la carica del sacerdoto) Nicostrato. Briseide di Euangelo, di anni 45.
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Year 15, in the priesthood of Philiskos (scil. son) of Euphanes: Didume (scil. daughter) of Euphranor, aged 18.
Year 16, in (the priesthood) of Nikostratos: Briseis (scil. daughter) of Euangelos, aged 45.
The stone was used in Hellenistic times, for a public list, IGCyr033100. By the Roman period it had been converted into a tombstone.
Line 5: 15 of the Actian Era = 16/15 BCE; the date appears from C.140 in which the same eponymus priest is named in an inscription which is certainly Augustan. The use of the Cyrenaean priest of Apollo for dating here shows that Gubba was in the territory of Cyrene.
Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 134, p. 126, pl. XL, fig 95, whence SEG 9.349, PHI 324198
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).