IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.687. Fragmentary account of contributions to an aqueduct

Description: Fragment of a marble stele (w: 0.11 x h: 0.13 x d: 0.07)
Text: Inscribed on the surviving face, which is in very poor condition.
Letters: First century BCE : 0.01; very rough.

Date: First century BCE

Findspot: Cyrene: photographed in 1930; findspot unrecorded.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum.


[---]ỊỊỊ ( vac. 1) Ḅ[---]
[---]ẹịṣ Cn(ae)- Pomp[ei-]- [Magn----]
[--- as]signauit ( vac. 1) [---]
[---]ṣ dieiṣ aquaẹ [---]
5[---]ṃ (denarii) ↀI𐆕 et Ị[---]
[---]ṣ aquae in Ẹ[---]
[--- quo]ḍ est (denarii) ↀD̶ [---]
[---] ẹṣṭ [---]


[---]...  .[---]
[---..]SIGNAUIT  [---]
5[---]. 𐆖 ↀI𐆕ET.[---]
[---...].EST 𐆖 ↀD̶[---]

English translation

Translation by: Editors

. . . ] Gnaeus Pompeius [Magnus . . . ] ?assigned[ . . . ] by the gods of water[ . . . ] 4000 denarii and [ . . . ] the waters [ . . . ] which is 1500(+) denarii [ . . . ] is[ . . .


Line 2: presumably Pompey, and if so the most probable occasion for his intervention in Libya is in connection with the Pirate War of 67 BCE; but a date during the civil war of 49 BCE is also possible. See further Reynolds, art.cit.

Line 3 can only be part of signare (to coin), designare (to designate) or assignare (to assign), the last being the most probable.

Line 7: 1500 denarii but some figures may be lost.

It is clear that the text concerned an aqueduct or irrigation work to which, probably, contributions were being made; the first contributors, and the only ones whose names survive, are the gods mentioned in line 4. Pompey had perhaps assigned responsibility for the payment to be made.

Bibliography: Reynolds, 1962, 5.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


None available (2020).