Description: A columnar milestone.
Text: Inscribed on the face.
Letters: No measurements; the numeral (line 9) is "molto grande".
Date: CE 100
Found in 1913.
at the bend of the road below the former sculpture museum.
Original location: Cyrene-Apollonia Road, mile I.
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(Latin): Emperor Caesar, son of the deified Nerva, Nerva Trajan, Augustus, victor in Germania, Chief Priest, holding tribunician power for the fourth time, acclaimed victor eleven times, consul for the third time, father of the country, made [the road] using recruits [raised] in the province of Cyrenaica.
(Greek): Emperor Caesar, son of the deified Nerva, Nerva Trajan, Augustus, victor in Germania, [Chief Priest], holding tribunician [power] for the fourth time, acclaimed victor eleven times, consul for the third time, [father of the country], made the road using [recruits] raised in the [province] of Cyrenaica
This is the first mile on the road from Cyrene to Apollonia.
For texts recording Trajan's work on the roads see, for the Cyrene to Apollonia Road, C.609, M.222, M.224, and, a later text, M.227; for the Cyrene to Ptolemais road see M.196 and M.200.
Bibliography: Ghislanzoni, 1915, 175-6 and fig. 55, whence SEG 9.251, PHI 324101; revision, with comment by M. N. Tod, by Goodchild, 1950, 6, on which Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1953.250; whence (part) SEG 13.619.b, AE 1951.210, at EDH 021427
Text constituted from: Transcription (Goodchild).