Description: Four inscribed panels on either side of the door of a rock-cut tomb, with
C.587, C.588, C.589 and C.590.
Text: Inscribed to the right of C.589, in a outlined tabella ansata, w:
0.77 x h:
Date: ?9-10 CE
In the North Necropolis, N.236, above the road to Apollonia;
first recorded in 1860.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
1-2: The previous editors suggested the years only in a footnote3: L μ Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
German translation
Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
(Jahr) ?, Simon des Artemidoros, 5 (Jahre); (Jahr) ?, Myrto des Eukleidas, 60 (+? Jahre); (Jahr) 40?, Simon des Simon, 39 (Jahre)
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Year ?99: Simon (scil. son) of Artemidoros, aged 5.
Year ?90: Myrto (scil. daughter) of Euklaidas, aged 60+.
Year ?110: Simon (scil. son) of Simon, aged 39.
Lines 1 and 3: Apparently Jewish names.
Line 3: The earlier reading would give 40 of the Actian era = 9/10 CE
Bibliography: Reynolds in Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983, 13.d, whence SEG 33.1461, PHI 324635.For the tomb see Cassels, 1955, N.236, Thorn, 2009, 91
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
Fig. 1. Face, to the right of C.589 (BSR 1264.39)Fig. 2. General view (BSR 1264.36)
Fig. 3. Face (BSR 1264.36)