Description: Rock-cut tomb.
Text: Inscribed (a) on the lintel, which is very badly worn, but had niches for three funerary busts; (b) on the back wall of the
recess; above each column there are three niches for funerary busts.
Letters: L for ἐτῶν; lunate omega.
Date: Second half of first century CE
North Necropolis, N.258.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(a). Stalak[kios?
(b, Column I): Sempronios Aper, aged 64. Sempronia Maxima, aged 50; Sempronios . . . (Column II): Sempronia Markella, aged 5. (Column III):S[empronios?] Sta[lakkios] aged 21
French translation
Translation source: AE
(I): Sempronius Aper, âgé de 64 ans. Sempronia Maxima, âgée de 50 ans. Sempronius [?]. (Ii, III): Sempronia Marcella, âgée de 5 ans. S[---] St[---], âgée de 21 ans
The names suggest Italaian immigrants; see further Reynolds loc. cit.
Bibliography: Briefly described, Frigerio, 1997, 70-72 whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1999.622, SEG 47.2171; republished Reynolds, 2003 p.170, whence SEG 53.2057, AE 2003.1885. For the tomb, Cassels, 1955, N.258, Thorn, 2009, 95
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
None available (2020).