IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.414. Fragmentary list of names

Description: Marble stele, recomposed from five fragments (w: 0.07 x h: 0.19 x d: 0.06); the upper text is GVCyr 42 above; C.415 is a further fragment
Text: Inscribed in a hand indistinguishable from that of the second hand of GVCyr 42, and of C.415. The face has been slightly damaged to the right since Oliverio recorded it.
Letters: Second-third century: line. 1, 0.035; lines 2 following, 0.015 - 0.02; superscript bar above abbreviated nomina, and a stop after them

Date: Mid-late second century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Findspot unrecorded.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum.


θεὸς Ἁδρ̣[ιανόϲ]
Κλ(αύδιοϲ) Ἀ̣γχίστρατο[ϲ]
Λ(ούκιοϲ) Ν̣[ό]βιοϲ Ῥοῦφο[ϲ]
Κλ(αύδιοϲ) [Μάρκ]ελλοϲ
5Κλ(αύδιοϲ) Βαρ̣καῖοϲ
Κλ(αύδιοϲ) Κλέαρ[χ]οϲ
Χαιρεσίλαϲ̣ [Εὐ]φ̣[ά]νε̣[υϲ]
Ἰόλιοϲ Ἰϲο[κρ]άτη̣ϲ
Κλ(αύδιοϲ) Ἀπολλόδωροϲ
10Τι(βέριοϲ) Κλαύδ̣ι̣οϲ Φάοϲ
Ἀνδροσ̣[θ]έ̣νηϲ Χαιρεσίλαου̣
Φλάβιοϲ Πτο̣λεμαῖοϲ
[. Ἀν]τώνιοϲ Ι̣[---]
[Ἰο]ύ̣λ̣ιοϲ Φλ[---]
15[..] ΟϹ [---]




3: [Νό]βιος SECir, 1961-1962
7: Χαιρεσίλαο[ς ..]φ[.]νο[...] SECir, 1961-1962
8: Ἰσο[κρ]άτ[η]ς SECir, 1961-1962
16: [Κλα]ύδιος Φλ[...] SECir, 1961-1962

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

Deified Hadrian; Kl(audios) (i.e. Cl(audius)) Anchistratos; L(oukios) Nobios Rouphos(i.e. L(ucius) Novius Rufus); Kl(audios) [Mark]ellos (i.e. Cl(audius) Marcellus); Kl(audios) (i.e. Cl(audius)) Barkaios; Kl(audios) (i.e. Cl(audius)) Klearchos; Chairesilas (scil. son) of Euphanes; Iolios (i.e. Julius) Isokrates; Kl(audios) (i.e. Cl(audius)) Apollodoros; Ti(berios) Klaudios (i.e. Ti(berius) Claudius) Phaos; Androsthenes (scil. son) of Charesilaos; Phlabios (i.e. Flavius) Ptolemaios; Antonios (i.e. Antonius) [- - ]; Ioulios Phl[- (i.e. Julius Fl[-) . . .


Line 1: After Hadrian's death in 138. The list of names, headed by that of the deified emperor, is quite well cut, each entry in the same hand. Since the emperor was already dead, it was cut later than the events to which it refers and the choice seems to lie between a post-contemporary list of priests of Apollo (for another possible reference to Hadrian holding a local office in Cyrenaica see P.54 lines 1-2, and discussion there), and a list of contributors to a fund. If there really is a connection between GVCyr 42 and lines 7f., then it must be of contributors and the amounts contributed by each may have appeared on the lost right half of the stele.

Oliverio considered that C.259 might also be associated.

Bibliography: SECir, 1961-1962, 68 and fig. 60 (from T. XI 81)
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face (Reynolds XII.4)